African History and Cultural Heritage

Please Read all the documents above starting with our opening lesson and use that information to answer this questions , Do not read 10 principles of Maat thats for the discussion.  Write short answers, [3-5 sentences] for each of the questions below,  A well-written short answer should identify significant themes addressed in each lesson. 1.Why is the history of African civilizations important for African Americans and other people of the African Diaspora? 2. What were some of the cultural similarities shared by the ancient civilizations in Egypt and Nubia? 3.What significant civilizations developed in West and Central Africa between 200 B.C. and 1600 A.D.? 4.Why were the racial characteristics of the Ancient Egyptians a subject of debate among Enlightenment historians and philosophers? 5. What was life like in the medieval empire of Ghana according to A.J.H. Goodwin? For the discussion   Lesson One Discussion: Life and Afterlife in Ancient Egypt 3 3 unread replies. 3 3 replies. The 10 Principles of Ma’at are simple rules for living a well-intentioned life on Earth. In some ways they analogous to the teachings of Zen Buddhism and the samurai code of bushido from Japan, but they represent a much more ancient fount of knowledge. The 42 Negative Confessions from the Papyrus of Ani have a broader application that is meant to prepare one for entrance into the afterlife. Still, their purpose is to give people a guide to living in harmony with their deities, their priests, their pharaoh, and their neighbors. Select two (2) of the Principles of Ma’at that you feel are necessary for you to live a more well-balanced life.  Select seven (7) lines from the 42 Negative Confessions that you feel can be used to maintain order and justice in a civilized society. with your choices give a brief explanation of your selections.

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