Albany College of Pharmacy Pandemic Preparedness Plan

Albany College of Pharmacy Pandemic Preparedness Plan

Pandemic Preparedness Plan


1-. Find 3 websites for  each of the 4 section and answer the rest of the questions (instructions in the word doc)

2-read the plan and see what to update


  1. 1. Find 3 websites for information on pandemic preparedness, post each link and then under each link a couple of sentences summary of what you found there.
  2. Find 3 websites on questions to ask for a pandemic plan, post each link and then under each link a couple of sentences summary of what you found there.
  3. Find 3 websites for check list on creating a pandemic plan, post each link and then under each link a couple of sentences summary of what you found there.
  4. Find 3 websites with pandemic plans or templates, post each link and then under each link a couple of sentences summary of what you found there.

(only include your links but also under each link a couple of sentences summary of what you found there.) 



After reviewing the posted Towson Pandemic Plan and using the sources collected from the FIRST part and any other sources you may find online, if you were going to updating the Towson Plan from 2006 what sections/areas seem to be missing. It has been 14 years since it was put together so please also consider current events in your responses

(should be a minimum of 350 words)

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