American Airlines Marketing Plan

MBA 620 – Checkpoint Assignment: FINAL PROJECT   You will prepare a written report and a presentation for marketing strategy, On American Airlines which has been struggling to compete in recent years. The task is to research and strategize a way for your chosen company to return and be competitive in a global market.   The written project must be professional in its composition, and follow APA (latest edition) format. This assignment should contain 15 pages minimum.  Ideally, this audit should contain 15-20 pages in length (you will not be penalized if you go OVER the 15 page minimum).  The plan will be graded on its content as well as proper grammar, logical construction, and organization. You should use a minimum of 10 reputable References to prepare your plan fully. Sources may include: annual reports, journal articles, and newspaper articles, conversations with key employees of the firm, Internet articles, and other materials found via your library search.  Because this course concerns marketing management in a global economy, the marketing mix should reflect the firm’s ambitions to compete across multiple foreign markets. This means that the product, price, promotional, and distribution strategies should reflect a globally competitive mindset.   Below is the outline for the marketing plan:  Executive Summary a. One-to-two page summary of the marketing strategy  Company Description a. Highlights of the firm’s historical and recent operations  Strategic Focus and Plan a. Proposed new Mission b. Proposed new Goals   c. Core competency and sustainable advantage to return to competitiveness  Situational Analysis a. Industry analysis b. Market analysis   c. SWOT Analysis  Market-Product Focus a. Proposed marketing objectives b. New target market(s)  c. Identifiable points of difference   d. Brand/Product positioning   Marketing Mix Program a. Product strategy b. Price strategy   c. Promotion strategy   d. Distribution strategy   Financial Data and Projections a. Historical sales revenues b. Financial projections (if available)  c. Future sales estimates/forecasts (based on product price, units to be sold, market size, competition, and other variables)  Organization a. Restructuring of the firm, expansion(?)  Implementation, Evaluation and Control Plan References  PLEASE REFERENCE THE FOLLOWING BOOK FOR ALL MARKETING TERMS:AND INCLUDE AS REFERENCE #1. Marketing Management Edition: 15TH 2016 Author: Kotler, Philip / Keller, Kevin ISBN 13: 978-0-13-385646-0 ISBN 10: 0-13-385646-1 MBS Direct SKU #: 1526848 Publisher: Pearson

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