Answer 2 question in one page


Essays: Answer Two questions. (each question half page).

1) Compare the themes of magical realism in 2 of the following: “The Magic Chalk,” “The Moon on the Water,” and “The Book of Sand.”

2) Compare the themes of nature in 2 of the following: “Hamatreya,” “Summer Storm,” and “The Tropics in New York” making references to both form (how the poem is written) and content (what it is about).

3) Compare the effects of historical change in “A Horse and Two Goats” and “Civil Peace.”

4) Discuss the theme of gender as represented in “The Collector of Treasures” and “The Interview.”

I attached 2 pictures from the class, it might help.

each question helf page = one page total

The due is on Tuesday 10/Dec/2017 at 18.00 PM evening, in the central time zone Dallas, USA.

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