Apply Forensics Concepts

  • Directions

    Write a 6–8-page recommendation for the changes that are necessary to prepare the organization for an effective incident response and computer forensics investigation. Recommend the following:

    • Physical security changes necessary to support forensics investigations.
    • An appropriate internal incident response team.
    • An appropriate external forensics partner. Justify your choice.
    • Technical and procedural changes necessary to ensure that proper controls are in place that support a forensics investigation.

    Additional Requirements

    • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
    • APA formatting: Use current APA style and formatting guidelines.
    • Length: 6–8 pages, excluding the references page.
    • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Recommend physical security changes to support forensics investigations.
Does not recommend physical security changes to the case study necessary to support forensics investigations. Recommends incompletely or inaccurately physical security changes to the case study necessary to support forensics investigations. Recommends physical security changes to the case study necessary to support forensics investigations. Recommends physical security changes to the case study necessary to support forensics investigations, including the use of supporting examples.
Recommend an appropriate internal incident response team.
Does not recommend an appropriate internal incident response team. Recommends incompletely or inaccurately an appropriate internal incident response team. Recommends an appropriate internal incident response team. Recommends an appropriate internal incident response team, including the use of supporting examples.
Recommend an appropriate external forensics partner.
Does not recommend an appropriate external forensics partner. Recommends an inappropriate external forensics partner or does not adequately justify the choice. Recommends an appropriate external forensics partner. Recommends an appropriate external forensics partner and includes strong justification for the choice.
Recommend technical and procedural changes necessary to ensure that proper controls are in place that support a forensics investigation.
Does not recommend technical and procedural changes to the case study necessary to ensure that proper controls are in place that support a forensics investigation. Recommends incompletely or inaccurately technical and procedural changes to the case study necessary to ensure that proper controls are in place that support a forensics investigation. Recommends technical and procedural changes to the case study necessary to ensure that proper controls are in place that support a forensics investigation. Recommends technical and procedural changes to the case study necessary to ensure that proper controls are in place that support a forensics investigation, including the use of supporting examples.
Exhibit proficiency in writing and use of APA (6th edition) style.
Does not exhibit proficiency in writing and use of APA (6th edition) style. Exhibits a low level of proficiency in writing and use of APA (6th edition) style. Exhibits proficiency in writing and use of APA (6th edition) style. Exhibits a high level of proficiency in writing and use of APA (6th edition) style.

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