Assessment:Health Informatics Practicum

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Assessment:Health Informatics Practicum

Assessment:Health Informatics Practicum

NURS 675LA-B Weekly Health Informatics Practicum Activity Summary/Reflection Log

Weekly practicum activity summaries and reflections to be submitted for review are to be typed, grammatically correct, and error free.

Weekly practicum activity summaries should include:

1. Stated weekly informatics focus and learning objectives.

2. Summary of planned or completed informatics activities.

3. Discussion of technology, processes, data analysis, workflow, gaps, evidence-based practice, and other informatics role activities completed during the week.

4. Reflection on your own learning and implications for future informatics role and/or implications on health care delivery and outcomes.

Students will receive feedback from faculty regarding their weekly personal learning objectives, activities, and reflections.


Directions:Submitathree- to five-pagesummary ofeachweek’s activitiesusingthetemplatebelow.Ifaninterviewisconducted,alsoattachthelist ofinterviewquestionsused.


Week#_ Focus:

1. Mypersonallearningobjectivesthisweek(list):




2. Summaryof planned/completedactivities:

3. Discussion of technology, processes, data analysis, workflow, gaps, evidence-based practice, and other informatics role activities completed during the week: (IncludetwoormorecitationsfromrelevantliteratureusingAPA6thed.format.)

4. Reflection on your own learning and implications for future informatics role and/or implications on health care delivery and outcomes:

Weekly practicum activity summaries and reflections to be submitted for review are to be typed, grammatically correct, and error free.

Weekly practicum activity summaries should include:

1. Stated weekly informatics focus and learning objectives.

2. Summary of planned or completed informatics activities.

3. Discussion of technology, processes, data analysis, workflow, gaps, evidence-based practice, and other informatics role activities completed during the week.

4. Reflection on your own learning and implications for future informatics role and/or implications on health care delivery and outcomes.

Students will receive feedback from faculty regarding their weekly personal learning objectives, activities, and reflections.


Directions:Submitathree- to five-pagesummary ofeachweek’s activitiesusingthetemplatebelow.Ifaninterviewisconducted,alsoattachthelist ofinterviewquestionsused.


Week#_ Focus:

1. Mypersonallearningobjectivesthisweek(list):




2. Summaryof planned/completedactivities:

3. Discussion of technology, processes, data analysis, workflow, gaps, evidence-based practice, and other informatics role activities completed during the week: (IncludetwoormorecitationsfromrelevantliteratureusingAPA6thed.format.)

4. Reflection on your own learning and implications for future informatics role and/or implications on health care delivery and outcomes:

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