Assignment: Acute Otitis Media
Assignment: Acute Otitis Media
Assignment: Acute Otitis Media
uestion 51
Risk factors for acute otitis media (AOM) include all of the following except:
Question 52
Shirley, age 58, has been a diabetic for 7 years Her blood pressure is normal Other than her diabetes medications, what would you prescribe today during her routine office visit?
Question 53
The National Cholesterol Education Program’s Adult Treatment Panel III recommends that the goal for low density lipoproteins in high risk patients be less than:
Question 54
A 70 year old patient presents with left lower quadrant (LLQ) abdominal pain, a markedly tender palpable abdominal wall, fever, and leukocytosis Of the following terms, which correctly describes the suspected condition?
Question 55
The most common cancer found on the auricle is:
Question 56
A 58 year old complains of tightness in his chest while cutting firewood It disappears quickly if he stops chopping He denies shortness of breath, his total cholesterol level is less than 200 mg/dL, and he is a non-smoker What is the most appropriate action for the nurse practitioner to take with this patient?
Question 57
A 40 year old female with history of frequent sun exposure presents with a multicolored lesion on her back It has irregular borders and is about 11mm in diameter What should the nurse practitioner suspect?
Question 58
Lisa, age 49, has daily symptoms of asthma She uses her inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonist daily Her exacerbations affect her activities and they occur at least twice weekly and may last for days She is affected more than once weekly during the night with an exacerbation Which category of asthma severity is Lisa in?
Question 59
Mort is hypertensive Which of the following factors influenced your choice of using an alpha blocker as the antihypertensive medication?
Question 60
Management of a patient with hypertension and an abdominal aortic aneurysm would include:
Question 61
An 8 year old presents to the health clinic with history of acute onset severe sore throat and respiratory distress with stridor in the last 2 hours The child’s history is positive for fever and pharyngitis for 2 days What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 62
Impetigo and folliculitis are usually successfully treated with:
Question 63
Which of the following color changes in a pigmented lesion suggests malignant transformation?
Question 64
A patient presents with an inflamed upper eyelid margin The conjunctiva is red and there is particulate matter along the upper eyelid The patient complains of a sensation that “there is something in my eye” What is the diagnosis and how should it be treated?
Question 65
A 65-year-old female with a past medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and polymyalgia rheumatica presents to urgent care with new onset left lower quadrant pain Her current medications include omeprazole 20 milligrams po daily, lisinopril 20 milligrams po daily, simvastatin 20 milligrams po daily, and prednisone 12 milligrams po daily The nurse practitioner suspects acute diverticulitis and possibly an abscess The most appropriate diagnostic test for this patient at this time is:
Question 66
An 80-year-old male admits to difficulty swallowing during the review of systems The nurse practitioner recognizes the differential diagnosis for this patient’s dysphagia is:
Question 67
When a patient presents with symptoms of acute gallbladder disease, what is the appropriate nurse practitioner action?
Question 68
Sandra has celiac disease You place her on which diet?
Question 69
Harvey has had Meniere’s disease for several years He has some hearing loss but now has persistent vertigo What treatment might be instituted to relieve the vertigo?
Question 70
A 12 year old patient is afebrile and complains of severe left ear pain On examination, the TM is gray and intact and there is a green discharge in the external canal What action by the nurse practitioner is most appropriate?
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