Assignment: Adolescent Egocentrism

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Assignment 4

Adolescent Egocentrism

You are going to pick a media portrayal (tv show or movie) that depicts Eklind’s Concepts of Adolescent Egocentrism. This assignment is by Tuesday October 28th before 10am.

Please complete the following:

1) Define both imaginary audience and personal fable which are the components of Eklind’s adolescent egocentrism.

2) Then pick a media portrayal of adolescents’ (either tv or movie) that depicts these concepts. You must have a portrayal of both imaginary audience and the personal fable. You may need more than one media source but no matter what source you chose (one or two) you MUST include the proper reference of that media source. You can google apa style how to cite a motion picture or tv show to find the correct reference format.

3) Describe in your own words an example of both the imaginary audience and personal fable found in your media source(s).

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