Assignment: Adolescent Health Care Needs

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Assignment: Adolescent Health Care Needs

Assignment: Adolescent Health Care Needs


The female adolescent health care needs that you study this week have implications far beyond the individual level. They also are issues that require action on state and national levels, where legislators, policy makers, and health care leaders must make decisions on resource allocation. This week you are asked to step into a health psychology professional’s shoes and examine issues related to female adolescents present in specific U.S. states, as well as in the nation.

To prepare for this Discussion, pretend that you have been asked to be on a committee examining the current health care needs of female adolescents in a particular state. If your last name begins with A–H, your assigned state is New York. If your last name begins with I–P, your assigned state is Arizona. If your last name begins with Q–Z, your assigned state is Oregon. Research your assigned state’s needs regarding female adolescents’ health issues on the Internet and in the Walden Library. Explore the cultural groups in the state and how female adolescent issues may differ among these groups.

With these thoughts in mind: Arizona

Disussion a description of the three health care needs that are most important for female adolescents in the state you were assigned. Justify, by percentage, how you would allocate resources for these needs (the percentage must add up to 100%). Then explain how the priority needs in the state you were assigned may be different from those nationally.  Support your post with statistics and references.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

As adolescence begins, so too starts a new level of tremendous growth and rapid change-physical, psychological, and social development that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. Providing health care to adolescents presents a dual challenge: the treatment of immediate health problems, and the opportunity, through health promotion and disease prevention, to influence health habits, lifestyle choices, and health status in adulthood, because health behaviors originating in adolescence may well have longterm health consequences.

Perhaps the first requirement for any physician who undertakes to treat adolescents is a sensitivity to the enormous physical and psychological changes that occur during the


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