Assignment: Anorexia Nervosa

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Assignment: Anorexia Nervosa

Assignment: Anorexia Nervosa

People with the eating disorder called ____________ have an intense fear of being fat and severely restrict their food intake, often to the point of starvation.
a. anorexia nervosa
b. bulimia
c. digestive deficiency
d. obesity phobia

37. Julie frequently eats a great deal of food when she gets emotionally upset. The last time she started to feel depressed, she ate two large bags of potato chips, a half-gallon of ice cream, and several slices of pizza, all in one sitting. After she eats this way, she usually takes several laxatives to help her purge all this food. Despite this eating behavior, Julies weight is about average for someone of her height and age. Julie would most likely be diagnosed:
a. with anorexia nervosa.
b. as being dangerously underweight.
c. with both anorexia and bulimia.
d. with bulimia.

38. The area of the cortex that appears to be heavily involved in the process of emotion regulation is:
a. the parietal lobe.
b. the prefrontal cortex.
c. the right hemisphere.
d. the occipital lobe.

39. The fight-or-flight response in both animals and humans is produced in part by the:
a. sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system.
b. parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system.
c. somatic nervous system.
d. central nervous system.

40. According to the _____________ theory of emotion, people infer their emotional states by observing their bodily reactions.
a. facial feedback
b. fundamental emotional patterns
c. James-Lange
d. Cannon-Bard

41. The ___________ theory of emotion asserts that the thalamus sends messages directly to the cortex and that these messages determine the experience of emotion. The physiological arousal that accompanies the emotion is determined by separate messages sent from the thalamus to the bodys internal organs.
a. Cannon-Bard
b. James-Lange
c. facial feedback
d. somatic


42. Research testing the facial feedback hypothesis has found that when people hold a pen in their teeth, presumably activating the muscles involved in __________, they later rate themselves as feeling ________ happy than people who have been asked to hold a pen with their lips.
a. surprise; more
b. anger; less
c. sadness; less
d. smiling; more

43. According to the expectancy value theory of motivation, the worth that an individual places on a goal is often called the _________ value.
a. deficiency
b. incentive
c. growth
d. reinforcement

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