Assignment: APA Discussion Board Nursing Research

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Assignment: APA Discussion Board Nursing Research

Assignment: APA Discussion Board Nursing Research

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing reelects the profession’s continuing call for imagination, transformative thinking, and evolutionary change. Explain the importance of following the essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing in a clinical nurse practitioner program such as the “Florida National University “? Please select one of the essentials and expand as to why the selected essential is crucial in succeeding in this program. (Essentials I-IX)

Discussion Rubric

The initial post will be regarding the topic of the week and will be a minimum of 250 words. Make sure you provide appropriate references and utilize APA style.. Each discussion will be allocated to a specific Master’s Essential.

Criteria 1.25 Point 1 Point 0.75 Point 0

Weight 25.00%

100 %

3 Posts

80 %

2 Posts

60 %

1 Posts

0 %

0 Posts

Quality of informtaion

Weight 25.00%

100 %

Information is clear and relates to topic

80 %

Information is somewhat clear and might relate to topic

60 %

Information has little relation to topic and is not clearly displayed

0 %

Information is not clear and it does not relate to topic


Weight 25.00%

100 %

Provides relevant resources using APA guidelines

80 %

Provides relevant resources without APA guidelines

60 %

Limited on the resources provided with major errors in APA

0 %

Does not provide any resources

Critical Thinking

Weight 25.00%

100 %

Enhances the critical thinking process through premise reflection

80 %

Enhances the critical thinking process without premise reflection

60 %

Does enhance the critical thinking process in a very limited manner

0 %

Does not enhance the critical thinking process

An MSN degree broadens your professional options while also allowing you to advance in your current position. 
An MSN can prepare you to work as nurse practitioner, nurse educator, or healthcare administration, as previously stated. 
It’s not uncommon for someone to change occupations and work in all three concentrations over the course of their career.


Making the decision to enroll in an MSN program at FNU is one you will not regret. 
To begin the admissions process, contact Florida National University counselor now. 
You’re only few clicks away from obtaining your advanced nursing practice certificate.


Here are seven reasons why you should pursue an MSN with nurse practitioner concentration:


Six Reasons to Invest in Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


Physicians vs. Nurse Practitioners


To begin, you may be unsure of the distinction between physician and Nurse Practitioner. 
It’s crucial to understand the similarities between the two before diving into the differences. 
Both nurse practitioners and physicians are capable of performing physical exams, diagnosing illnesses, prescribing drugs, reviewing and interpreting test results, consulting patients following treatments, and conducting research.


So, whether you’re in the hands of doctor or nurse practitioner, you can rest assured that you’re in the hands of specialists who know what they’re doing. 
The only thing that separates the two professions is their education and the breadth of work that they are permitted to undertake under state and hospital restrictions.


Physicians need an average of 11 years of study, whereas nurse practitioners require an average of years. 
You may be able to use the full spectrum of your training and talents depending on where you work as nurse practitioner in the United States.


1. There is Demand!


According to 2012 survey conducted by group of researchers from the Mongan Institute for Health Policy at Massachusetts General Hospital and Mathematica Policy Research, healthcare educators advised students to pursue an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) career rather than physician’s career.


The poll included 467 APRNs and 505 physicians from around the United States who were chosen at random. 
“Having additional nurse practitioners would result in increased timeliness of care and improved access to health services,” according to the poll findings.


Surprisingly, 72.5 percent of physicians agreed with this statement in regards to improved timeless care vs. 90.5 percent of nurse practitioners, while fewer physicians and APRNs agreed with this statement in regards to improved access to health services, with 52.2 percent of physicians agreeing vs. 80.7 percent of nurse practitioners.


In any case, the demand for nurse practitioners is growing as students discover that, while nurse practitioners and physicians earn different wages, nurse practitioners work different hours than physicians. 
Because nurse practitioners aren’t expected to work as long as physicians, the demand for more nurse practitioner positions is growing all the time.


Nursing shortages are being caused by the placement of highly skilled nurses in leadership positions, as well as new technological breakthroughs such as robotics, which are replacing nurses in some sectors. 
Life expectancy is rising, and developing countries are currently growing at the quickest rate of any country.


Environmental impacts in treating illnesses will demand new nurses to extend and grow their skill sets in the coming years, as well as stay up with advancements on regular basis. 
Nurses are expected to be one of the most in-demand occupations during the next ten years. 
Nursing is not only noble job that will truly make difference in the world, but it is also great way to have positive effect.
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