Assignment: Applications Of Motivation In Learning Theory

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Assignment: Applications Of Motivation In Learning Theory

Assignment: Applications Of Motivation In Learning Theory

Applications of Motivation in Learning Theory

PSYCH/635 Version 1


University of Phoenix Material

Applications of Motivational Learning Theory

Select and complete one of the following assignments:

Option 1: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Transcript

Prepare a 10-minute talk or a 5- 7 page transcript for national park visitors, explaining the psychological benefits of spending time in nature and with animals. Support your points with information from peer-reviewed research studies.

Address the following in your presentation:

· Demonstration of application of theory-based motivation (expectancy-value, self-worth, social comparison, and so forth) for learning to change behavior

· Identification of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in spending time in nature and/or with animals

Option 2: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Brochure

Prepare a motivational brochure for national park visitors, explaining the psychological benefits of spending time in nature and/or with animals. Support your points with information from peer-reviewed research studies.

Address the following in your brochure:

· Demonstration of application of theory-based motivation (expectancy-value, self-worth, social comparison, and so forth) for learning to change behavior

· Identification of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in spending time in nature and/or with animals

Option 3: Forensic Psychology Transcript

Select an infamous serial killer and perform an analysis of this individual’s motivation, in terms of at least two of the four learning theories.

Prepare a 10-minute talk or 5- 7 page transcript for police officers, explaining the behavior of serial killers in terms of established learning theories and theories of motivation.

Address the following in your talk:

· Identification of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in the killers’ behaviors.

· Demonstration of application of theory-based motivation (expectancy-value, self-worth, social comparison, and so forth) for how serial killers may have been motivated to learn such violent behavior

Option 4: Forensic Psychology Literature Handout

Select an infamous serial killer and perform an analysis of this individual’s motivation, in terms of at least two of the four learning theories.

Prepare a 3- to 5-page handout for police officers, explaining the behavior of serial killers in terms of established learning theories and theories of motivation.

Address the following in your handout:

· Identification of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in the killers’ behaviors

· Demonstration of application of theory-based motivation (expectancy-value, self-worth, social comparison, and so forth) for how serial killers may have been motivated to learn such violent behavior

Option 5: Health and Sports Psychology Plan

Use elements of each of the four learning theories to develop a motivation plan for Olympic athletes in a sport of your choice.

Address the following in your plan:

· Identification of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in developing and practicing Olympic competitor-level athletic and sport skills

· Demonstration of application of theory-based motivation (expectancy-value, self-worth, Social comparison, and so forth) for motivating athletes to push themselves to their highest competitive levels

Option 6: Health and Sports Psychology Literature Chapter

Write a chapter on motivation for a book on coaching Olympic athletes in a sport of your choice. Use (and identify) each of the four learning theories in your exposition.

Address the following in your chapter:

· Identification of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in developing and practicing Olympic competitor-level athletic and/or sport skills

· Demonstration of application of theory-based motivation (expectancy-value, self-worth, social comparison, and so forht) for motivating athletes to push themselves to their highest competitive levels

Option 7: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Presentation

Typical first-line supervisors are unaware of the long-term effectiveness of intrinsic motivation compared with extrinsic motivation.

Use elements of each of the four learning theories (and identify them) to develop an improved intrinsic motivational system for employees of a metal furniture manufacturing plant.

Develop a 10- 12 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes for first-line supervisors, explaining your improved intrinsic motivational system: how to implement it and why it will be more effective in the long term than extrinsic rewards.

Address the following in your presentation:

· Nontechnical explanation of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with examples from the workplace

· Research support for the relative effectiveness of intrinsic motivation compared with extrinsic motivation in the long term

· Practical methods (expectancy-value, self-worth, social comparison, and so forth) of implementing intrinsic motivation to build expertise in the workplace

Option 8: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Handout

Typical first-line supervisors are unaware of the long-term effectiveness of intrinsic motivation compared with extrinsic motivation.

Use elements of each of the four learning theories (and identify them) to develop an improved intrinsic motivational system for employees of a metal furniture manufacturing plant.

Develop a 3- to 5-page handout for first-line supervisors, explaining your improved intrinsic motivational system: how to implement it and why it will be more effective in the long term than extrinsic rewards.

Address the following in your handout:

· Nontechnical explanation of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with examples from the workplace

· Research support for the relative effectiveness of intrinsic motivation compared with extrinsic motivation in the long term

· Practical methods of implementing intrinsic motivation to build expertise in the workplace

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