Assignment: Attention and Consciousness

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Assignment: Attention and Consciousness

Assignment: Attention and Consciousness

Assignment: Attention and Consciousness


Assignment: Attention and Consciousness-Unlearning Through Hypnosis

Select one of the personality disorders or substance abuse disorders from the Film List.


Use the Research Analysis Job Aid to complete this assignment.


Prepare a 1,050- to 1,500-word paper that discusses research-based interventions to treat psychopathology.


Review and differentiate the characteristics of the selected disorder and discuss the research about intervention strategies for the disorder by completing the following:


  • Evaluate three peer reviewed research studies using the University of Phoenix Material: Research Analysis.
  • Conceptualize the disorder using the biopsychosocial or diathesis-stress models.
  • Discuss the treatments or interventions that have been shown to be the most effective for your selected disorder. Why?


Cite at least five peer-reviewed sources.


Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Week 1 Research Development Paper

Watch the “Attention and Consciousness-Unlearning Through Hypnosis” video located in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.


Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper covering the following:

  • What was the purpose of this study?
  • How does this study apply to the real world?
  • If you were doing the next step in this study, which research question would you develop? How could you test it?
  • How could you apply the steps of the scientific method to test your hypothesis?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


1000 Words Paper

2 Sources in APA format

Scored: 8/8

Assignment: Attention and Consciousness

Attention and consciousness are two closely related psychological concepts that are often conflated, even among scholars. However, modern psychological and neurophysiological researchers can now independently manipulate top-down  and perceptual . This allows them to untangle the distinct contributions these two make to processing in the mind and their underlying  mechanisms.

Current controversies revolve around three questions

  • Can we become conscious of some object without attending to this object?
  • Can we attend to objects that are consciously suppressed, that is, invisible?
  • Can top-down selective attention and perceptual consciousness have opposing effects?

Although by no means conclusive, current evidence suggests that top-down attention and perceptual consciousness are two distinct but often allied processes with distinct  processes. As a consequence, it will be important to distinguish the  from the neuronal correlates of selective attention (Tse et al., 2005).

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