Assignment: Basis counseling profession.

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Assignment: Basis counseling profession.

Assignment: Basis counseling profession.


Throughout the course, you have studied and written about a number of counseling theories that are used as the basis for the counseling profession. In this paper, choose a theory and compare it against each of the following three theories:

  1. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)
  2. Solution-focused
  3. Psychoanalysis

Choose a theory that you have studied in this course. Do not choose one of the three theories listed above.

Compare your selected theory against the three theories listed above.

Write a 1,500-2,000-word paper discussing your theory comparisons. Include the following in your paper:

Part 1: Selected Theory

  1. Founding theorist(s) for the selected theory
  2. Standard interventions for the selected theory
  3. At least three main concepts of the selected theory

Part 2: Cognitive Behavior Theory (CBT)

  1. Founding theorist(s) for CBT
  2. Standard interventions for CBT
  3. Similarities and differences between your selected theory and CBT

Part 3: Solution-Focused Theory

  1. Founding theorist(s) for solution-focused theory
  2. Standard interventions for solution-focused theory
  3. Similarities and differences between your selected theory and solution-focused theory


Throughout the course, you have studied and written about a number of counseling theories that are used as the basis for the counseling profession

Part 4: Psychoanalysis

  1. Founding theorist(s) for psychoanalysis
  2. Standard interventions for psychoanalysis
  3. Similarities and differences between your selected theory and psychoanalysis

Include at least three scholarly references in your paper in addition to the course textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

This assignment assesses the following programmatic competency: 1.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the major counseling theories and principles.

This assignment meets the following CACREP Standard: 2.F.5.a. Theories and models of counseling.

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