Assignment: Child Protective Services

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Assignment: Child Protective Services

Assignment: Child Protective Services


other survivors at the shelter. She also shared her resources with other survivors no matter how little she had. She was very kind.

  1. What were the identi ed challenges faced by the client(s)?The barriers for this client are enormous; aside from the domestic violence, some of the barriers include not speaking English, the involvement of Child Protective Services, a lack of affordable housing, obtaining employment without a visa, discrimination, and needing child care for ve children.
  2. What were the agreed-upon goals to be met to address the concern?The three treatment goals we set were reducing depressive and anxiety symptoms, connecting to resources in the community that would help her become more stable, and obtaining therapy for the children.
  3. What local, state, or federal policies could (or did) affect this situation?
    The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) affected the situation.
  4. How would you advocate for social change to positively affect this case?
    Victims should not be mandated to attend a domestic violence support group. Participation should be voluntary. These women have been coerced in their relationships and then they are coerced by the system and made to feel like they have done something wrong. Much more education is needed in the courts and with Child Protective Services.
  5. How can evidence-based practice be integrated into this situation?Clients are asked to complete client satisfaction surveys at termination. We also call the clients for follow-ups for up to a year. Lastly, clients complete a survey on a monthly basis, which is used statewide and called the Family Violence Preven- tion and Services Act (FVPSA) survey. The surveys mainly measure whether the client learned additional resources and additional ways of planning for safety.



9. Describe any additional personal re ections about this case.


When Charo’s husband was arrested outside of the agency, it broke my heart to see all ve children playing in the waiting area and doing homework with no clue about what was happening with their father right outside the door. I became very attached to this family and had to take some very intentional steps to create boundaries. When the family was in crisis, I was always available to them, even when I was “off the clock.” I had to separate myself and involve other staff in the case as Charo was very attached to me and would only want to see me. I was able to set appropriate boundaries and stick to our weekly indi- vidual sessions and weekly group sessions and to redirect her to other staff when issues came up at the safe house.

Working With Survivors of Domestic Violence: The Case of Debra

  1. What specific intervention strategies (skills, knowledge,etc), did you use to address this client situation?

    I used the knowledge that not all victims of domestic abuse identify what they are experiencing as abuse. Because Debra was not willing to identify her husband’s behavior as abuse, I needed to be careful not push her to do so.

  2. What were the identi ed strengths of the client(s)?Debra was a loving and caring mother. She went to great

    lengths to help protect and serve her children.

  3. What were the identi ed challenges faced by the client(s)?The biggest challenge was Debra’s cultural beliefs, which would not allow her to leave her husband. It was also dif cult for her to gure out what to do because she did not have the support of her family and did not have anyone to talk to.
  4. Did you have to address any issues around cultural compe- tence? Did you have to learn about this population/group prior to beginning your work with this client system? If so, what type of research did you do to prepare?I was not familiar with the Chinese cultural beliefs regarding marriage, divorce, and domestic violence. I learned primarily
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