Assignment: Clinical Psychology Worksheet

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Assignment: Clinical Psychology Worksheet

Assignment: Clinical Psychology Worksheet

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The Practice of Clinical Psychology Worksheet


Answer the following questions. Your response to each question must be at least 150 words in length and include references



1.     What are at least two ethical issues associated with clinical psychology? Provide an example of a situation that could be ethical but illegal. Explain your response.


2.     What are at least two legal issues associated with clinical psychology?  Provide an example of a situation that could be legal but unethical.  Explain your response.


3.     Define professional boundaries, boundary crossings, and boundary violations. What effects do boundaries have on the therapeutic relationship?



4.     What are at least two cultural limitations associated with assessment and treatment? In your response, discuss the use or misuse of assessment instruments, therapy techniques, research results, or any other facet of clinical practice that could have potentially harmful, culture-specific implications.

Two legal issues in particular are obtaining written informed consent and the maintenance of confidentiality. Clinical psychologists must obtain written informed consent from a patient whenever treatments or experiments are to be implemented. A patient can withdraw informed consent at any given point and time during treatment and if that happens treatments and experiments must cease. In regards to maintaining confidentiality, clinical psychologists must maintain confidentiality and never disclose the records of a client or patient unless ordered to do so by law. An example of an instance that is legal but unethical is a judge ordering a clinical psychologist to break confidentiality and provide information about a particular client or patient without the client’sor patients` prior consent. The Ethics Code prohibits a clinical psychologist from releasing the records of a client or patient without his or her consent. There can be lots of cases where ethics conflict with the law (with the law winning in nearly every case) but that doesn’t make it any less controversial..1What are at least two ethical issues associated with clinical psychology? Provide an example of a situation that could be ethical but illegal. Explain your response.


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