Assignment: Deliverables

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Assignment: Deliverables

Assignment: Deliverables

Assignment 1.2: Perform an Introduction Speech

Perform an Introduction Speech


Perform an introduction speech

Assignment Overview

In this assignment, you will create a delivery outline and deliver an introduction speech.


  • A one- to two-page (250- to 500-word) paper
  • A two- to four-minute introduction speech – Keep in mind that you should perform your speech to make sure it meets the 2-4 minute requirement. Just time yourself as you perform your speech.

Step 1 Create an outline.

Using the preparation outline you created in Assignment 1.1, create a delivery outline for your introduction speech.

  • Using a different file name, save a copy of the Assignment 1.1 document in which you created the preparation outline.
  • Modify the preparation outline to make it a delivery outline. You will most likely use this as your speaker notes, so keep in mind that you do not need more than 1 or 2 index cards for notes. Use bullet points from your outline as your notes. Hit the main points for your speech from your outline.

Step 2 Practice your speech.

Practice using your delivery outline to deliver your introduction speech. Print your delivery outline so you can use it as your speaker notes.

  • Before you begin your practice delivery, imagine that you are standing in front of your target audience and think about the specific purpose you identified for your speech.
  • Remember that your speech should last between two and four minutes.
  • Keep track of the total time it takes you to deliver your speech to stay within this time frame.
  • Deliver your speech at least once all the way through.

Step 3 Present your speech.

  • Remember to pay attention to the audience’s nonverbal communication and adjust as necessary.

Step 4 Answer the questions.

In a one-page (250-word) paper, address the following:

  • Describe any issues you encountered during the delivery of your speech.
  • How many times did you practice delivering your speech before you felt comfortable presenting it?
  • What aspects of your speech delivery improved the most as a result of your practice?
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