Assignment: Directions for Article Summaries

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Assignment: Directions for Article Summaries

Assignment: Directions for Article Summaries


The purpose of this assignment is to introduce students to resources which are available to earn CEU credits after graduation, as well as to provide writing practice.

Students are required to complete three article summaries from the approved list of websites and will be graded based a rubric. You summary of the article should be complete and well-written.

The selected articles should relate to mechanical ventilation and critical care. An article summary that does not reflect this topic will not be accepted.

Summaries should be typed, double-spaced, use 12-point Times New Roman font, and be between 2-3 pages in length.

You are encouraged to utilize the writing center if you need additional assistance with your assignment. The writing center is located in C-102 and the telephone number is 317-6983. Services at the writing center are free, and the staff will conference with you once you have a rough draft of your paper.

Visit this site for more information:

The article summary should be MLA-formatted.

Heading: Your name, instructor name (Instructor Karen Newsome), course name and number (RESP 1135), and date (MLA requires day, month, year format: 7 January 2015).

Title: Centered and written in 12-point, Times New Roman font (not bolded, underlined, or italicized)

Introductory Paragraph: Sets the context for the rest of the paper. Tell your readers what you are writing about and why the topic is important.

Body Paragraphs: Summarize the main content of the article in your own words. Long quotations or bulleted lists are not necessary due to the nature of the assignment. Points will be deducted if long quotations or bulleted lists are included.

Concluding Paragraph: The conclusion wraps up what you have been discussing in your paper.

Works Cited page: Make sure to properly cite your paper on the works cited page.

Your article summaries will be submitted using the dropbox in D2L on or before the due date indicated in the tentative course schedule.

Papers will be reviewed for plagiarism via the site . If the paper comes back more than 25% unoriginal, then the grade on the assignment will be a 0.


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