Assignment: Economic Issues Outline

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Assignment: Economic Issues Outline

Assignment: Economic Issues Outline


Prepare a detailed outline of the Health Care Economic Issues Presentation.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Outline includes ideas for:

  • An analysis of the effectiveness of current procedures that are in place for the issue or situation selected
    • Analysis is based on evolutional perspectives on health care economics and economic theories.
    • The following questions are addressed:
      • How has the evolution of health care affected the financial decision-making process in your selected issue or situation?
      • How has the evolution of health care affected the financial decision-making process in general?
      • How has the financial decision-making process affected your chosen issue or situation?
      • What affect does the policy and regulatory environment have on the financial decision-making process and your chosen issue or situation?
    • Recommendations for improvement strategies based on economic theories on the financial-decision making process and economic concepts are included.
    • The following items are addressed:
      • Key players
      • Microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives and utilization
      • Tools that support best practices
      • Benchmarking
      • How policy and regulatory environment affects financial management in the health care industry
      • Economic incentives and competition
    • Global implicationsOutline is organized
    • Ideas are logical and support the major pointsThe outline is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.
    • Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed, and spelling is correct
    • Health Care Economic Issues Outline

HCS 552 WEEK 6 Health Care Economic Issues Presentation

Select a health care issue or situation. Some examples include the following:

  • The aging population
  • Changing technology
  • Health care insurance issues – underinsured, uninsured, and so on
  • Health care spending
  • Health care reform
  • Pharmaceuticals

Complete the Health Care Economic Issues Presentation.

Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes that includes the following information:

An analysis of the effectiveness of current procedures that are in place for the issue or situation you have selected. You should:

  • Analyze how the evolution of health care has affected the financial decision-making process in your selected issue or situation
  • Analyze how the evolution of health care has affected the financial decision-making process in general
  • Analyze how the financial decision-making process has affected your chosen issue or situation
  • Analyze the effect the policy and regulatory environment has had on the financial decision-making process of your chosen issue or situation
  • Analyze the effect the policy and regulatory environment has had on the financial decision-making process in the health care industry in general

In your presentation, base your analysis on evolutional perspectives on health care economics and economic theories while completing the following:

  • Examine who is involved in financial decision-making.
  • Analyze what are the steps in the financial decision-making process.
  • Examine what some of the specific outcomes that resulted from changes to the financial decision-making process.
  • Analyze what some of the specific outcomes that resulted from changes in the regulatory environment.
  • Analyze how your issue or situation has been affected by the changes.

In your presentation, recommend improvement strategies based on economic theories on the financial-decision making process and economic concepts.  Include the following:

  • Differentiate key players involved in the issue or situation.
  • Differentiate microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives and utilization.
  • Examine tools that support best practices.
  • Distinguish how benchmarking has been and can be used in financial-decision making processes and economic concepts.
  • Differentiate economic incentives and competition.
  • Distinguish global implications in financial decision-making processes and economic concepts.

Cite a minimum of four sources.

Format your sources consistent with APA guidelines

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