Assignment: Educate Consumers On Patient Portal Usage

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Assignment: Educate Consumers On Patient Portal Usage

Assignment: Educate Consumers On Patient Portal Usage

Assignment Instructions

ASSIGNMENT: Educate Consumers on Patient Portal Usage

CAHIIM Competency: Subdomain III.F. Consumer Informatics.

Educate consumers on patient-centered health information technologies

Instructions: After reading the material for the week, create an educational flyer for patients at a 10-physician outpatient clinic. The information should explain the clinic’s patient portal. Be sure to cover what it is, how to register for it, and the features of the portal. List the benefits of using the portal. The goal is to convince consumers of the value of using the portal and increase usage.

For some research, you might want to search for resources on a real patient portal vendor. If your health service provides this service, you can also use them as a research example to create your flyer.

The flyer can be composed using MS Word or PowerPoint.

The Development of Professional Nursing in Australia In the earliest days of the colony, the care of the sick was performed by untrained convicts. Male attendants undertook the supervision of male patients and female attendants undertook duties with the female patients. Attention to hygiene standards was almost nonexistent. In 1885, the poor health and living conditions of disadvantaged sick persons in Melbourne prompted a group of concerned citizens to meet and form the Melbourne District Nursing Society. This society was formed to look after sick poor persons at home to prevent unnecessary hospitalization. Home visiting services also have a long history in Australia, with Victoria being the first state to introduce a district nursing service in 1885, followed by South Australia in 1894, Tasmania in 1896, New South Wales in 1900, Queensland in 1904, and Western Australia in 1905 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1985).

Australian nurses were involved in military nursing as civilian volunteers as early as the 1880s (University of Melbourne, 2015); however, involvement of Australian women as nurses in war began in 1898 with the formation of the Australian Nursing Service of New South Wales, which was composed of 1 superintendent and 24 nurses. Based on the performance of the nurses, the Australian Army Nursing Service was formed in 1903 under the control of the federal government. The Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps (RAANC) had its beginnings in the Australian Army Nursing Service (RAANC, n.d.). Since that time, Australian nurses have dealt with war, the sick, the wounded, and the dead. They have served in Australia, in war zones around the world, in field hospitals, on hospital ships anchored off shore near battlefields, and on transports (Australian War Memorial, n.d.; Biedermann, Usher, Williams, & Hayes, 2001). Other military opportunities for nurses include the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal Australian Air Force.

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