Assignment: Empirical Support For CBT

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Assignment: Empirical Support For CBT

Assignment: Empirical Support For CBT


Consider a theoretical approach discussed in previous weeks. What seems to be missing from the approach? Why are other theories also needed? Support your discussion with references to your readings from this week and with specifics and scholarly citations. Response Guidelines Respond to at least three other learners whose responses seem very different from your own. Comment on what you can learn from one another. Resources Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions.

Document your interview and your library research in a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper. Your paper should consist of the following parts:


·         An introduction, describing the individual that you interviewed and his/her position

·         A summary of the interview focusing on the two major problems and attempted solutions

·         A scholarly commentary with recommendations from the perspective of I/O psychology


Be sure to include at least five scholarly references in your paper. Provide a list your specific interview questions as an Appendix. Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

The relationship between treatment outcome and the extent to which participants completed homework assignments was evaluated among 60 cocaine-dependent individuals assigned to cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT). Homework was assigned in 72% of all sessions and initiated by participants in 48% of the sessions in which it was assigned. Completion of homework was unrelated to participants’ baseline characteristics and several indicators of treatment compliance. Participants who completed more homework assignments demonstrated significantly greater increases in the quantity and quality of their coping skills and used significantly less cocaine during treatment and through a 1-year follow-up. These data suggest that the extent to which participants are willing to complete extrasession assignments may be an important mediator of response to CBT.

Keywords: cognitive–behavioral therapy, substance dependence, practice assignments, mediators, mechanisms of action

Cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) approaches have comparatively high levels of empirical support across a wide range of mental disorders, and accumulating evidence points to the durability of CBT’s effects after treatment ends as a particularly salient feature of CBT (). Distinctive features that may contribute to CBT’s durability include its emphasis on skills training and strategies for modifying behaviors or cognitions that may play a role in perpetuating problems. In turn, effective acquisition, mastery, and generalization of new behaviors may require that they be practiced outside of treatment. Hence, CBT manuals routinely emphasize extrasession practice, through homework assignments, to encourage implementation and rehearsal of skills outside of sessions.

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