Assignment: Ethical and Legal

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Assignment: Ethical and Legal

Assignment: Ethical and Legal


Assignment: Ethical and Legal Guidelines and the Competencies Needed for Career Development Practice

Learning Objectives

Identify ethical principles that govern career development practitioners’ work

Outline the requirements for the Master Career Counselor, Master Career Development Professional, and Career Development Facilitator credentials

Identify the major competencies needed by career development professionals.

NACE’s Principles for Ethical Professional Practice

Are designed to provide everyone involved in the career development and employment process with two basic precepts on which to base their efforts: maintain a recruitment process that is fair and equitable; support informed and responsible decision making by candidates.

1. Practice reasonable, responsible, and transparent behavior

2. Act without bias …

3. Ensure equitable access …

4. Comply with laws …

5. Protect confidentiality of …

National Career Development Association (NCDA)

The fundamental principles of professional ethical behavior include:

• Autonomy, or fostering the right to control the direction of one’s life;

• Non-maleficence, or avoiding actions that cause harm;

• Beneficence, or working for the good of the individual and society by promoting mental health and well being;

• Objectivity, or treating individuals equitably;

• Accountability, or honoring commitments and keeping promises, including fulfilling one’s responsibilities of trust in professional relationships; and

• Veracity, or dealing truthfully with individuals with whom career development professionals come into contact.

NCDA Competencies

Career Development Theory

Individual and Group Counseling Skills

Individual/Group Assessment


Program Management and Implementation

Coaching, Consultation and Performance Improvement

Diverse Populations


Ethical/Legal Issues


Master Career Counselor Criteria

Member of NCDA for 2 years

Master’s Degree in Counseling or related field from accredited institution

3 years of post Master’s experience in career counseling

NCC credential or state-level license as a counselor or psychologist

3 credits in each of 6 NCDA competencies

Supervised practicum or 2 years of post master’s experience under a certified supervisor

Document that at least 50% of current job duties are directly related to career counseling

Master Career Development Professional Criteria

Member of NCDA for 2 years

Master’s Degree in Counseling or related field from accredited institution

Complete 3 years of post-master’s experience in career development experience, training, teaching, program development or materials development

Document that at least 50% of current job duties are directly related to career counseling

Career Development Facilitator

Complete 120 hours of training in a specified course of study

Possess one of the following:

graduate degree plus 1 year of career development work experience

Bachelor’s degree plus 2 years of career development work experience

High school diploma plus approximately 4 years of career development work experience

ACA Code of Ethics

Principle 1: Above All, Do No Harm

Principle 2: Be Competent

Principle 3: Respect Clients’ Rights to Chose Their Own Directions

Principle 4: Honor Your Responsibilities.

Principle 5: Make Accurate Public Statements

Principle 6: Respect Counselors and Practitioners from other professions

Principle 7: Advocate for Clients in Need

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