Assignment: i-HUMAN Rubric

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Assignment: i-HUMAN Rubric

Assignment: i-HUMAN Rubric

The i-Human® scenario below is designed to help you move through a simulated clinical patient scenario. Your work will be scored by i-HUMAN rubric below and transferred to a grade in the gradebook by faculty. This assignment is worth 100 points.

Grading criteria for assignment are:

History = 30
Physical Exam = 30
Differential Diagnosis = 15
Rank Diff Dx = 5
Must not Miss Diagnoses = 5
Test Selection = 15

The follow up review i-Human Seminar will be held in Unit 4 and is mandatory either by live attendance or review of recording and alternative assignment. This is worth 20 points.

For this activity, you will need to login to your i-Human account. Instructions for logging-in are as follows:

Go to
Log in with your credentials (username and password).
Select “Assignments” from the menu options on the top left of the screen.
Press the green play button next to the I Human Testing Mode Ryan for the case study.
The case study will open; click Start to begin.
Complete all elements of the case study (history, physical exam, assessment, etc.)

Once you have successfully completed the Assignment, take a screenshot of the last screen of the activity, paste it into a Microsoft Word document, save your document, and Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.
For help creating a screenshot, visit the website below.
Take a Screenshot. Retrieved from

Go to
Log in with your credentials (username and password).
Select “Assignments” from the menu options on the top left of the screen.
Press the green play button next to the I Human Testing Mode Ryan for the case study.
The case study will open; click Start to begin.
Complete all elements of the case study (history, physical exam, assessment, etc.)

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