Assignment: Identify an aspect of your life, we have discussed in class, you feel needs to be improved. 

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Assignment: Identify an aspect of your life, we have discussed in class, you feel needs to be improved.

Review topics from previous weeks.

Using the SMART Goal strategy-complete Life Action Plan worksheet that includes the following:

1.Identify an aspect of your life, we have discussed in class, you feel needs to be improved.

2.Consider selecting an area that will provide the greatest opportunity for growth or an area that can make the biggest impact on your success.

3.Complete the Life Action Plan.

Use the readings provided for Topics 1–7 to assist you in completing this assignment.

Life Action Plan

Review topics from previous weeks. Using the SMART Goal strategy-complete Life Action Plan worksheet that includes the following:

1. Identify an aspect of your life, we have discussed in class, you feel needs to be improved.

2. Consider selecting an area that will provide the greatest opportunity for growth or an area that can make the biggest impact on your success.

Complete the Life Action Plan.

Use the readings provided for Topics 1–7 to assist you in completing this assignment.

GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected. Please note that full, detailed, and substantive responses must be presented on this worksheet for full credit. In-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

My life role – Identify your life plan role (this may be you as a student or professional).
My long-term goals in this role – Identify one outcome you plan to achieve within the next 2 to 10 years in this role.






My short term goals in this role – These are outcomes you plan to achieve in 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month. Each one should bring you closer to achieving your long term goals.






General goals: Take one long-term goal you have listed above and complete the following information:

Identify your goal.
Identify benefits from reaching the goal.
Describe obstacles and mountains to climb to reach this goal.




Describe skills or knowledge required to reach the goal.






Identify groups, individuals, companies, and organizations that can help you reach this goal.



Plan of action to reach this goal (What specific steps will you take to accomplish this – these should be chronological steps (e.g., A, B, C, etc)






Date of completing the goal:
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