Assignment: Integrative Personality Theory

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Assignment: Integrative Personality Theory

Assignment: Integrative Personality Theory

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review sections  1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 of Chapter 1 in the text. In addition, read the e-book  sections by Glanz (n.d.) and Saucier and Srivastava (2015).

The  major assignment for this course is the development of your personal  Integrative Personality Theory.  In this paper, you will select one  concept from each of the seven models covered in this course to include  in your theory.  Note that this is not meant to be an overview of each  model, and the paper cannot focus on just one model.  Rather, you are to  select a specific concept from a theory in each model, and you must  include one concept from each of the seven models in your final paper.   Click here for examples of some of the main concepts from the

In  this week’s assignment, you will begin work on the final paper.  You  will complete the specific secions of the paper that are indicated  below.  This allows you to begin work on this major assignment and  receive formative feedback from your instructor in order to improve  final submission. Please use  to build your Integrative Theory of Personality paper.  It is APA  formatted already and will guide you through the needed sections.

Instructions for the week three required sections:

Introduction:   Provide a general introduction to the topic of theories of personality.  Explain what you plan to cover and describe the direction your paper  will take. Note: This section will not feature a heading.

Major Concepts  
In  this section, you will present the seven specific concepts identified  from the seven models you think best apply to the study of personality  in distinct subheadings.  For each concept, identify the major  personality model from which the concept was taken as well as the  theorist associated with that model.  Each concept section should be  approximately 3-4 paragraphs.  For week three, you need to complete two of the seven total required by week five.
Click here for an example of how to structure your discussion of each .

  • Psychodynamic Model Concept
  • Neurobiological Model Concept
  • Behavioral Model Concept
  • Cognitive Model Concept
  • Interpersonal/relational Model Concept
  • Trait Model Concept
  • Self-Psychology Model Concept

Excluded Concepts
In this  section, present the concepts you have chosen to exclude in your theory  of personality development.  Reflect on the basic assumptions that  define personality and identify three specific excluded concepts from  any of the theories studied in the course.  For each of the excluded  concepts, provide a rationale explaining the various aspects of the  concept that make it unsuitable for your use and compare and contrast it  with the concepts you have chosen to include.  Each concept will be  approximately 2-3 paragraphs.  In week three you need to flesh out the section for one of the three-all three are due in week five.

The Differences between Healthy and Unhealthy Personalities
Describe  the basic differences between healthy and unhealthy personality, based  on the concepts that you have chosen to include and exclude from your  theory.  This section will be approximately two to four paragraphs.  Start the draft in week three to be finalized in week five.

The Roles of Heredity, the Environment, and Epigenetics
Provide  your analysis of the roles heredity, the environment, and epigenetics  play in the development of personality.  Discuss how heredity and the  environment might affect personality disorders.  This section will be  approximately three to five paragraphs.  Start the draft in week three to be finalized in week five.

Assessment and Measurement of the Theory
There is no requirement in week three for this-the section must be completed by week five.

In  this section of the paper, review the self-reflection you wrote in Week  One of this class and describe how and in what ways your views have or  have not changed.  Analyze your Week One self-assessment using the  concepts that you have included in your integrative theory and describe  how your theory explains your personality.  This section will be  approximately four to six paragraphs.  Start the draft in week three to be finalized in week five.

Conclusion:  There is no requirement in week three for this-the section must be completed by week five.

Research  a minimum of four of the eight scholarly sources related to these  concepts in the Ashford University Library to support your statements in  the paper.  Popular websites and your textbook may augment, but they  will not count toward the minimum number of sources needed for the  paper.

The assignment:

  • Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including  title page and references page) and formatted according to APA style as  outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
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