Assignment: Leadership to Improve Quality of Service Delievery
Assignment: Leadership to Improve Quality of Service Delievery
Assignment: Leadership to Improve Quality of Service Delievery
Week 5 discussion
Leadership to Improve Quality in Diverse Situations
This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcomes (COs)
CO1 Propose individualized comprehensive care by integrating theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines when planning comprehensive patient-centered care (PO 1)
CO2 Demonstrate leadership strategies that promote safety and improve quality in nursing practice and increase collaboration with other disciplines when planning patient-centered care within systems-based practice (PO 2)
CO7 Compare and contrast the professional nursing roles for ADN/diploma through PhD/DNP prepared nurses in providing cost-effective, quality healthcare in structured and unstructured systems (PO 7)
Nurses demonstrate leadership in many situations For this discussion, identify only one situation from the choices below that you have not previously experienced, and tell us how the nurse could improve quality through demonstrating leadership
Communicating with legislators to influence health policy
Clinical leadership at the bedside
Nursing management of units or facilities
Impact of systems-based practice on leadership
The service sector has assumed great economic importance over the past decade and enjoys the
largest share in GDP all over the world including India. Quality has become an icon for
customers while selecting a service. Organizations today have started embarking into
multifaceted approaches to improve the quality of their services & the topic of service quality
has been recognized as one of the key strategic strength to organizations. The driving force for
superior service quality is the effort & contribution of the service staff. In order to improve &
provide excellence in service quality, it is important to focus on the process of service quality
delivery. This study focuses on the effect of leadership on perceived service quality delivery. A
conceptual model has been proposed in this regard.
KEY WORDS: leadership, service climate, employee outcomes, service quality.
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ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ____________ISSN 2231-5780
Vol.7 (4), APRIL (2017), pp. 86-97
Online available at
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