Assignment: Mco Basic Payment Methods
Assignment: Mco Basic Payment Methods
Assignment: Mco Basic Payment Methods
Identify the basic payment methods used for the MCO to pay the provider (physician, hospital, etc.).
Is one method more fair than any of the others? Why? Why not?
Discussion board.
- APA Format
- in text citations
- 250 minimum words
- please include two additional postIdentify the basic payment methods used for the MCO to pay the provider (physician, hospital, etc.).Is one method more fair than any of the others? Why? Why not?
Discussion board.
- APA Format
- in text citations
- 250 minimum words
- please include two additional postExamples of applicable Nurse of the Future: Nursing Core CompetenciesProfessionalism:
Knowledge (K4c) Understands the importance of reflection to advancing practice and improving outcomes of care
Skills (S4b) Demonstrates ability for reflection in action, reflection for action, and reflection on action
Attitudes/Behaviors (A4c) Values and is committed to being a reflective practitioner
Reproduced from Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. (2016). Nurse of the future: Nursing
core competencies: Registered nurse. Retrieved from
You enter the room, and the first thing you think is: “He’s lying flat,” and you think to yourself, “I need to elevate his head. That is what I did on the respiratory unit where I recently worked.” The daughter tells you that Mr. Peary coughed up some blood in the emesis basin. There is a small amount of bright red blood in it. You do not know what to do next. An RN stops by the room and tells you that the wife of the patient in room 202 is asking about the burning in her husband’s nose again. Your mind does not seem to be able to think about anything. Do you feel scattered and things seem out of control at this point? Do you feel a little overwhelmed and cannot think what to do next? The RN says she will take over with Mr. Peary while you follow up with the patient in room 202. Later, you recall the situation and cannot believe you did not think to take Mr. Peary’s blood pressure, count respirations, ask about pain, or listen to his lungs or anything else. All you did was just raise his head. You wonder why you missed so many things.
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