Assignment – Medical / Nursing tutors

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Assignment – Medical / Nursing tutors

 Assignment – Medical / Nursing tutors


This task requires you to write a 2,000-word assignment. Before you write your assignment, you will need to:


• Choose one of the following National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards (ACSQHC, 2017) as the topic of your assignment.

  • Clinical governance (Standard 1)
  • Partnering with consumers (Standard 2)
  • Preventing and controlling healthcare-associated infection (Standard 3)
  • Comprehensive care (Standard 5)
  • Communicating for safety (Standard 6)
  • Blood management (Standard 7)


Identify the type of process and outcome data that could be collected, analysed and fed back for improvements in care relevant to your chosen standard. (You may wish to refer to the article by Donabedian, 1988, as a starting point). This area for action aligns with step 2.2 of the Australian Safety and Quality Framework for Health Care (ACSQHC, 2010).

Research the topic of quality and safety in health care in Australia then identify and analyse scholarly literature that is relevant to your assignment topic, namely your:

  • chosen standard,
  • a clinical care activity relevant to this standard,
  • process and outcome data required to monitor outcomes/improvements relevant to the standard.

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