Assignment: Middle Childhood

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Assignment: Middle Childhood

Assignment: Middle Childhood

Before completing the written portion of the journal assignment, you must complete the dice roll. During the dice roll, you will identify specific characteristics of your “person”.


Roll one die one time for each set of characteristics listed below. Your “person” will have the characteristics for the corresponding numbers listed.


1. Have any additional siblings have been born since the original roll?

a. 1, 3, 5 = NO

b. 2, 4, 6 = YES (if YES, you get to determine how many siblings were born)

2. Has the parents’ marital status changed since the original roll?

a. 1, 3, 5, 6 = NO

b. 2, 4 = YES (if YES, you get to determine how the parents’ marital status has changed

3. How well did your person do academically in elementary/middle school?

a. 1 = exceptionally well, far above peers in classroom performance, placed in gifted program

b. 2 = Very well, all A’s and B’s, conscientious student

c. 3 or 4 = Average, mostly C’s

d. 5 = Somewhat below average, some C’s, some D’s, could have done better but had little motivation

e. 6 = Far below average, was held back for one or more years

4. How well did your person get along with peers in elementary/middle school?

a. 1 = quite popular

b. 2 or 3 = had several good friends, well-accepted

c. 4 or 5 = had a couple of friends, but not very social

d. 6 = had a difficult time interacting with peers, was largely rejected

5. Did your person have behavioral/discipline problems?

a. 1 or 2 = no behavioral problems

b. 3, 4, or 5 = A couple of minor problems, but nothing major

c. 6 = Significant behavior problems, suspended once or more

6. Physically, how did the individual compare to growth/sexual maturity norms?

a. 1 = Extremely early maturing, well before same-aged peers

b. 2 = Somewhat early maturing, ahead of most, but not all same-aged peers

c. 3, 4, or 5 = Normal maturation, typical of same aged peers

d. 6 = late maturing, well behind some same aged peers

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