Assignment: Models of addiction

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Assignment: Models of addiction

Assignment: Models of addiction

  • Create a graphic organizer for addiction counselors to use as a resource.
  • Summarize, in your own words, the etiology of addiction for each model of addiction.
  • Compare each of the models of addiction.
  • Provide a summary of the key insights you gained from completing this assignment.
  • Use the graphic organizer for this 

The current DSM(5) supports a dimensional approach to abnormality, whereas the previous DSM(IV-TR) supported a categorical approach. Some psychologists have suggested that a dimensional model (where behavior exists on a continuum and “abnormal” is simply an extreme form of normal behaviors) may be more accurate. Do you support the categorical or the dimensional approach? Which one do you feel is best for classifying personality disorders? Explain.
Use in-text citations in complete 6th edition APA format.


Imagine you were to create a survey that examined the frequency of drug use in middle school children. Referring back to the considerations for creating surveys presented in this module and in your textbook, what specific factors would you need to consider when developing this survey? Make sure you address considerations related to age (early adolescence) and nature of the topic (drug use).


A better understanding of the complex science of ‘addiction’ can improve responses to drug problems. This report contains a critical review of existing addiction theories and explores how these can be organised into an overarching structure to inform how we assess, prevent and treat addictive behaviours. This model is not limited to illicit drugs, but can also be applied to alcohol, tobacco and even non-pharmacological addictions, such as gambling or compulsive use of the Internet. Models of addiction delivers the message that understanding the biological basis of addiction, along with the broader social and psychological aspects of addictive behaviour, can lead to successful prevention and treatment responses.

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