Assignment: Mozart effect and identify

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Assignment: Mozart effect and identify

Assignment: Mozart effect and identify

1.Why is this an ethical dilemma? Which APA Ethical Principles help frame the nature of the dilemma?

2.To what extent, if any, should Dr. Vaji consider Leo’s ethnicity in his deliberations? Would the dilemma be addressed differently if Leo self-identified as non-Hispanic White, Hispanic, on non-Hispanic Black?

3.How are APA Ethical Standards 1.08, 3.04, 3.05, 3.09, 7.04, and 7.05 relevant to this case? Which other standards might apply?

4.What are Dr. Vaji’s ethical alternatives for resolving this dilemma? Which alternative best reflects the Ethics Code aspirational principle and enforceable standard, as well as legal standards and obligations to stakeholders?

5.What steps should Dr. Vaji take to ethically implement his decision and monitor its effects?

In this assignment, you will read an article about the Mozart effect and identify various parts of the research process. This exercise will help you learn how to read a research article and to understand the research process.

Read the following article:

Rauscher, F. H., Shaw, G. L., & Ky, K. N. (1993). Music and spatial task performance. Nature, 365. 6447: 611. (October 14, 1993). (ProQuest Document ID 76004658).

In your article summary, respond to the following questions:

State the research hypothesis in your own words. Identify the independent and dependent variables.
What were some variables the researchers controlled in their study? Why was this necessary?
What evidence do the researchers offer as a test of their hypothesis? Is this evidence empirical (observable)? Is it valid?


What explanation do the researchers offer for their findings? Does the evidence justify this explanation?

Read the following article:

Jenkins, J.S. (2001). The Mozart effect. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 94, 170-172.

Based on your readings, respond to the following:

Do you think there is any merit in the study (Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1993)? Give three reasons for your position.
Does the study take individual differences in spatial ability into account? Explain your answer.
What are two ways in which the experiment could be modified to make the results more generalizable?

Write a 5–6-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc.

By Wednesday, May 13, 2015, deliver your assignment to the M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox.

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