Assignment: Organization and volunteering

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Assignment: Organization and volunteering

Assignment: Organization and volunteering


MHA 542 WEEK 3 Course Project: Part 1 : Submit a 350- to 525-word proposal of your volunteer or interview arrangements.

Include details about your course project such as:

  • What organization did you select?
  • With whom are you meeting?
  • What questions will you ask?
  • What does volunteering entail?
  • What date(s) and time(s) is it scheduled?
  • Explain how it is tied to your leadership purpose.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your MHA 542 WEEK 3 Course Project: Part 1 assignment.

MHA 542 WEEK 6 Course Project: Part 2

If you elected to volunteer:

Create a  7- to 9-slide Power Point  presentation with speaker notes . The presentation will cover the volunteering you completed for this course. Consider the following as you create your presentation:

  • At which organization did you volunteer?
  • What did volunteering entail?
  • Did you meet with any leader of the organization?
  • Explain how the volunteering ties to your leadership purpose.

If you elected to interview:

Create a  7- to 9-slider presentation with speaker notes  using  Microsoft® PowerPoint® This interview will cover the interview you conducted with a leader of a volunteer organization. Consider the following as you create your presentation:

  • Who did you interview?
  • What organization do they work for?
  • What questions did you ask?
  • Did they know about the concepts of finding your true north, complexity leadership, and leadership purpose? If not, what do they think about it?
  • What did you learn in your interview?
  • What can you use immediately, and what strategies will you have to work on?

Note: Protect your interviewee’s privacy, and only mention their name and position if you have permission to do so.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

  • Who did you interview?
  • What organization do they work for?
  • What questions did you ask?
  • Did they know about the concepts of finding your true north, complexity leadership, and leadership purpose? If not, what do they think about it?
  • What did you learn in your interview?
  • What can you use immediately, and what strategies will you have to work on?

Note: Protect your interviewee’s privacy, and only mention their name and position if you have permission to do so.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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