Assignment: Overview Of Psychology

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Assignment: Overview Of Psychology

Assignment: Overview Of Psychology


The author Sarafino, places common beliefs in the absence of illness as indicators of health in contrast with Antonovsky’s illness/wellness.

In Asian cultures, he suggests, health is defined as the “balance between self and nature and across the individual’s various roles in life.” The synergy between nature, self, and others can result in a positive state called health.

What do you think? Indicate how the chapter readings support your position.

Required Text:

Sarafino, Edward P.  (2016) Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions

(9th Ed.) Wiley

Only if there is no existing language/notation or the disad- vantages do not allow using the strategies mentioned above, a standalone realization should be considered. The websites of parser generators like Antlr [1] or Atlantic Zoo [19] are a good starting point for reusing language definitions.

Guideline 7: “Reuse existing type systems.” A DSL used for software development often comprises and even extends either a property language such as OCL or an implementa- tion language such as Java. As described in [8], the design of a type system for such a language is one of the hardest tasks because of the complex correlations of name spaces, generic types, type conversions, and polymorphism.

Furthermore, an unconventional type system would be hard for users to adopt as well. Therefore, a language de- signer should reuse existing type systems to improve com- prehensibility and to avoid errors that are caused by misin- terpretations in an implementation. Furthermore, it is far more economical to use an existing type system, than devel- oping a new one as this is a labor intensive and error-prone task. A well-documented object-oriented type system can be tailored to the needs of the DSL or even an implemented reusable type system can be used (e.g. [4]).

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