Assignment : Practicum Journal: Prescribing

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Assignment : Practicum Journal:Prescribing

Assignment : Practicum Journal: Safe Prescribing

Students will:

Analyze roles of the Drug Enforcement Administration

Analyze PMHNP responsibilities when issued a DEA number

Analyze DEA number application procedures

Analyze state requirements for safe prescribing and prescription monitoring

Analyze PMHNP responsibilities for safe prescribing and prescription monitoring

Analyze Schedule II-V drug levels

To prepare for this Practicum Journal: Review the Learning Resources.

In 3 pages:

Thesis statement

Describe the role of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as it pertains to the PMHNP.

Explain your responsibilities when having a DEA number.

Explain how you apply for a DEA number.

Explain your state’s requirements for a safe prescribing and prescription monitoring program.

Explain your responsibility as a PMHNP to follow these requirements.

Provide an example of a drug you may prescribe from each of the Schedule II-V drug levels.


Medication errors account for approximately 20% of all clinical negligence claims against doctors in both primary and secondary care. The costs associated with adverse events and inappropriate prescribing has been estimated at more than £750 million per year. This factsheet gives advice about avoiding prescribing errors.

‘Prescribing’ is used to describe many related activities, including:

  • supply of prescription only medicines
  • prescribing medicines, devices and dressings on the NHS
  • advising patients on the purchase of over the counter medicines and other remedies.

It may also be used to describe written information provided for patients (information prescriptions) or advice given. The GMC states that while some of this guidance is particularly relevant to prescription only medicines, you should follow it in relation to the other activities you undertake, so far as it is relevant and applicable. This guidance applies to medical devices as well as to medicines.

Before prescribing

The GMC’s Good Medical Practice states that you should prescribe drugs or treatment, including repeat prescriptions, only when you have adequate knowledge of the patient’s health and are satisfied they serve the patient’s needs. You must not allow any interests you have to affect the way you prescribe for patients.

You should avoid prescribing for yourself or anyone you have a close relationship with, wherever possible. Doctors with full registration may prescribe all medicines, except those set out in Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001.

Ensure you are familiar with current guidance from the British National Formulary, including the use, side effects and contraindications of the medicines you are intending to prescribe.

You should be aware of guidance relating to the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the medicines you are prescribing. This is available from NICE in England and Wales.

Your local commissioning body may also have specific prescribing policies and guidance, which you should be aware of and pay close attention to.

It is important to be aware that the person who signs the prescription is the one who will be held accountable, should something go wrong. If you prescribe at the recommendation of a nurse or other healthcare professional who does not have prescribing rights, you must be personally satisfied that the prescription is appropriate for the patient concerned.

Checking the dosage

You should check that you are prescribing the correct dose of the medicine; this includes checking the strength, frequency and route. This is especially important in prescribing for children.

Checking for contraindications

You need to ensure that the patient:

  • is not allergic to the proposed medication
  • is not taking any medication (prescription, over-the-counter or alternative medicine) which may interact with the proposed medication
  • does not have an illness that may be exacerbated by the medication.
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