Assignment: Promoting Wellness And Resilience

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Assignment: Promoting Wellness And Resilience

Assignment: Promoting Wellness And Resilience


Target population: Adolescents


For your second assignment, you will research and recommend prevention and education activities for your target population that are designed to promote individual, cultural, and community wellness and resilience. This 3-4 page paper should:

  • Describe the wellness and resiliency model used by mental health counselors that will promote wellness and community resilience over the life span for individual, couples, and families in your target population.
  • Recommend intervention activities designed to promote resilience and wellness as desired counseling goals for clients in your target population.
  • Propose appropriate prevention and education activities appropriate to your target population that promote optimum human development, wellness, and mental health.
  • Identify effective strategies to promote client understanding of and access to a variety of community resources.
  • Reference materials from your studies and additional academic peer-reviewed research from the Capella Library to support your work.
upon the foundation will allow for avocation and personal empowerment to overcome obstacleswithin their life span allowing them to sustain resiliency.The resiliency model will utilize surveys and assessments completed at intervalsthroughout the course of treatment allowing the patient(s) to engage in and better understand
their strengths and skills that they will need and utilize to navigate through life’s challenges and
encourage them to become healthy individuals. In addition, goals and objectives which turn intoaction plans can and will be developed to encourage the utilization of internal strengths to build adeeper resiliency from within, this will encourage and develop mental health wellness and reducehopelessness and desperation. The utilization of the resiliency framework of internal and externalfactors for each patient(s) will allow the patient(s) to gain positive experiences that will assistand foster health development leading to a higher resiliency (Erford, 2014). Each resiliencymodel will be based on each patient and will allow them to understand their internal from theexternal factors that assist in their physical and emotional wellbeing. Restorative practices willestablish the environment where the patient(s) will be empowered to solve problems in whichthey approach on a daily to a lifelong basis developing a lifespan of resiliency practices.Developing wellness through resiliency will allow the positive mental health to occur andabsence of mental illness and poverty will minimize.Intervention activities such as counseling, support groups, and education will increase theability to gain wellness and resilience. Utilizing support groups from community programs,churches, local, state, and national government facilitations will encourage positivedevelopmental growth allowing the patient(s) to foster positive mental health wellbeing andstable formation of all around wellbeing and resilience. The utilization of interventions will
 on family strengths, that use community resources, and that confront the presence of
Wellness and Resilience 5social toxins in the environment will ultimately result in a holistic, ecological approach tostrength-
 based counseling”
 (Vera, 2006).ConclusionIn conclusion, the wellness and resiliency model will include building the foundation forresiliency, utilizing restorative practices to affectively and proactively repair and restoredesperation to functionality, identify the specific needs of the patient(s) and facilitate theeducation and self-empowerment to actively modify, accommodate, and ultimately gain mentalhealth wellness that will provide resiliency for their future endeavors and challenges. Instilling professional assistance and avocation will further support and promote the wellness andresiliency of the patient(s).
Wellness and Resilience 6ReferencesCorey, G. (2013).
Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy.
 Belmont:Brooks/Cole,Cengage Learning.Erford, B. (2014).
Orientation to the Counseling Profession; Advocacy, Ethics, and Essential Professional Foundations.
 Upper Saddle River: Pearson.Vera, E. a. (2006). Promoting Strengths in a Socially Toxic World; Supporting Resiliency withSystematic Interventions.
The Counselilng Psychologist 
, 80-89.
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