Assignment: Psychoanalytic Theory Discussion

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Assignment: Psychoanalytic Theory Discussion

Assignment: Psychoanalytic Theory Discussion
Mandatory: Locate one peer reviewed study on psychoanalytic theory published in the last 5 years. How does the study present material differently than earlier analysts? Include an APA citation of your chosen study in your response. How are psychoanalytic concepts addressed in current research studies? Provide examples.

Specifically, social cognitive career theory developed by Lent, Brown, and Hackett (Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1996, 2002); the cognitive information process- ing theory developed by Peterson, Sampson, Reardon, and Lenz (1996), Peterson, Sampson, Lenz, and Reardon (2002), and Sampson, Reardon, Peterson, and Lenz (2004); the career construction model developed by Savickas (2005, 2009); the chaos theory of careers developed by Pryor and Bright (2011); and the integrative life- planning model developed by Hansen (1997) are each excellent examples of theories that have evolved to address cognitive and mean-making processes that people use to manage their careers effectively within a global and mobile society. Theories seek- ing to help workers manage multiple job changes across their work lives without losing their sense of self and social identity are theories described as “postmodern.” Postmodern approaches to career development interventions address the client’s “subjective” experiences of career development (Cochran, 1997; Young, Valach, & Collin, 1996). Approaches emphasizing the subjective career highlight the ways in which meaning is made out of life experiences and then translated into a career choice (Carlsen, 1988; Cochran, 1990, 1997; Savickas, 1995).

(Niles 95)

Niles, Spencer G. Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century, 4th Edition. Pearson, 20120228. VitalBook file.

The citation provided is a guideline. Please check each citation for accuracy before use.


Psychoanalytic theory proposes variety of distinct change mechanisms, and as psychoanalytic theories evolve and multiply, slew of new methods to conceptualize the change process arise. 
At the most fundamental level, there is recognition that change generally entails bringing the unconscious to consciousness, as articulated by Freud’s oft-quoted axiom: “Where id has been, there shall be ego.” 
Although Freud’s understanding of the nature of change evolved over the course of his life, the idea that change entails first becoming aware of our instinctual impulses and unconscious desires, and then learning to deal with them in mature, rational, and reflective manner remained central to his mature thinking. 
major tenet of Freud’s theory was that we are driven by unconscious desires that we are ignorant of, and that this lack of awareness leads to driven or self-defeating behavior. 
We fool ourselves about the causes for our behaviour, according to Freud, and this self-deception limits our options. 
We can expand our options by being aware of our unconscious desires and defenses against them. 
As result, we assume larger degree of agency as we reduce our reliance on unconscious influences.

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