Assignment: Public Service Announcement

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Assignment: Public Service Announcement

Assignment: Public Service Announcement

Identify a public health concern that contributes to health risks or disease. As a governmental official, prepare a public service announcement (PSA) in the form of a two-page brochure to educate the public on this concern. Remember to address the following:

  1. A brief explanation of the concern, including a definition
  2. How the concern impacts public health, with current statistics
  3. What citizens can do to protect themselves
  4. How your agency can address the concern, including measures and surveillance
  5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) –  with specific items
  6. Whom to contact for additional details (e.g., WHO, Ministry of Health), including an address and phone number.

Your brochure should meet the following structural requirements:

– Two-page brochure that includes all elements detailed above

– Conforms APA writing standards; be sure to cite any statistics or other information, as appropriate.

– Add cited image

– References pages could be included on a separate pages or the back , to not draw away from the brochure.( not older than 5 years back)

– In MS Word there is an option for creating a brochure, you can use images, bulleted, lists etc, to be creative.

Performing the public health mission outlined in Chapter necessitates systematic identification of health issues and the creation of solutions. 
The history of the evolution of this problem-solving capability as well as its current state in the United States have been discussed in this volume. 
With that context in mind, and based on review of the literature, site visits, statements at the four open meetings, review of other case studies (Miller and Moos, 1981; Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, 1982b), and the US Public Health Service’s recent evaluation of progress—The 1990 Health Objectives for the Nation (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Public Health Service, US Department of Health and Human Services), 
These impediments include:


Inadequate capacity to carry out essential public health functions such as assessment, policy development, and service assurance; disjointed decision-making without necessary data and knowledge; inequities in the distribution of services and the benefits of public health; limitations on effective leadership, such as poor interaction between the technical and political aspects of decisions, rapid turnover of leadership;


The committee thinks that unless these hurdles are removed, it will be impossible to develop and sustain the ability to meet current and future public health concerns while preserving present progress. 
There will be deaths and impairments that could have been avoided with present knowledge and technologies. 
The health problems mentioned in Chapter will continue to take needless toll, and the country will be unprepared to deal with future health challenges.


Responsiveness and continuity are two difficulties that public health tackles at the same time. 
Sustained success sometimes breeds complacency, and the visibility and excitement around new problems encourage haphazard decisions that divide programs and redirect resources away from proven winners.


This chapter focuses on identifying the impediments that require the most attention, so laying the groundwork for the proposals that will follow. 
It may appear that focusing on obstacles rather than triumphs casts public health in an overly negative light. 
Public health has track record of success that should be celebrated. 
However, if public health is to maintain its track record of success, problems that threaten existing and future capabilities must be identified and addressed.
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