Assignment: Quality Patient Safety

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Assignment: Quality Patient Safety

Assignment: Quality Patient Safety

This week’s content will focus on health literacy which is a common barrier towards achieving optimal health care Please review the following information from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality website https://wwwahrqgov/professionals/quality-patient-safety/quality-resources/tools/literacy-toolkit/indexhtml Evaluate these tools to discover ways that will help reduce the barriers that hinder healthcare literacy

What are your initial thoughts after reviewing the AHRQ website?

What are some strategies you can incorporate in everyday practice to assist with health literacy?

Question 2

Week 8 discussion

Complete The Growth and Development APEA module Pick one of the following topics that were reviewed: Newborn assessment, Nutrition, Child, Adolescent, or Immunization Please choose on that has not been previously covered by a peer

What is an area that you may have forgotten?

Explain the specific growth and development concept in detail and describe strategies that you will undertake to assist in retaining that information?

Submission Details:

Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned Respond to atleast two posts by the end of the week

Week 8 discussion

Complete The Growth and Development APEA module Pick one of the following topics that were reviewed: Newborn assessment, Nutrition, Child, Adolescent, or Immunization Please choose on that has not been previously covered by a peer

What is an area that you may have forgotten?

Explain the specific growth and development concept in detail and describe strategies that you will undertake to assist in retaining that information?

Submission Details:

Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned Respond to atleast two posts by the end of the week

This week’s content will focus on health literacy which is a common barrier towards achieving optimal health care

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