Assignment: Sense of gustation

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Assignment: Sense of gustation

Assignment: Sense of gustation

Question 7. Question :

(TCO 4) Hyperopia (or farsightedness) results from images focused _____.

Student Answer: on the fovea

in front of the retina

behind the retina

on the rods

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 4, p. 92

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 8. Question :

(TCO 4) The sense of gustation is important from an evolutionary standpoint because __________.

Student Answer: it allows us to enjoy the food that we eat

it helps us stay away from foods that are harmful or toxic

it helps to enhance our sense of smell

a and b

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 4, p. 97

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 9. Question :

(TCO 4) Bodily posture, orientation, and movement information is provided to the brain by the _____ sense(s).

Student Answer: kinesthetic



a and b

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 4, p. 98

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 10. Question :

(TCO 4) An example of ___________ would be if after a month of having stuck a post-it note by your door to remind you of an appointment, you forgot the appointment,

Student Answer: sensory adaptation

selective perception


selective attention

Instructor Explanation: See Chapter 4, p. 100

Points Received: 5 of 5


Question 11. Question :

(TCO 6 ) This question has three parts:

(A) Contrast emotion-focused and problem-focused coping strategies.

(B) What would be an effective emotion-focused coping strategy for someone trying to cope with the stress of taking this test? What would be an ineffective emotion-focused coping strategy?

(C) What would be an effective problem-focused coping strategy for someone trying to cope with the stress of taking this test? What would be an ineffective problem-focused coping strategy?

(TCO 6 ) This question has three parts:

(A) Contrast emotion-focused and problem-focused coping strategies.

(B) What would be an effective emotion-focused coping strategy for someone trying to cope with the stress of taking this test? What would be an ineffective emotion-focused coping strategy?

(C) What would be an effective problem-focused coping strategy for someone trying to cope with the stress of taking this test? What would be an ineffective problem-focused coping strategy?

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