Assignment: Specialist Business Intelligence

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Assignment: Specialist Business Intelligence

Assignment: Specialist Business Intelligence


This week you, will focus on Domain IV of the Certified Specialist Business Intelligence (CSBI) Study Materials.

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  • Sign in with your username and password
  • Click My Account
  • Click My eLearning
  • A new window or tab will open. Find the title of the course “Certified Specialist Business Intelligence” and click Launch/Continue to begin. Continue where you left off last time, and complete Domain IV.
  • If you have any questions with this process, contact HFMA’s Member Services at
 CSBI Domain IV: Technical skills application
  • Using database and related report writing applications
  • Hospital Informatics
  • Presentation & display of information

During this course, you will spend two to four hours per week preparing for the CSBI exam, which will be taken in Week Six. As you prepare, you will reflect on what you’ve learned in the form of a journal.

A journal entry containing your reflections on the CSBI content should be submitted each week. This week, your journal should contain one page on Domain IV, and should include the following information:

  • Title Page according to APA formatting.
  • Describe what you learned from the Domain.
  • Describe how you may apply the information in your current or future career.

Carefully review the for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Due Date
Grading Percent
Database Creation
Day 3
(1st Post)
Certified Specialist Intelligence (CSBI) Reflection Part 4 of 6
Day 7

Learning Outcomes

This week students will:

  1. Evaluate the providers in healthcare and how analytics are useful to them.
  2. Explain how business intelligence impacts strategic planning.
  3. Create a simple database using technology tools.
  4. Evaluate the CSBI exam component applicable to Week Four.


There are many stakeholders in healthcare. One group of stakeholders is the providers. Understanding the role of each provider is essential to understanding the impact each has on the strategic planning process. In order to analyze the impact, information is needed. One way to review this information is through the use of a database. There are a variety of technology tools used to create and maintain databases. Understanding the basic layout of databases will allow them to create a simple database for use with analysis.

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