Assignment: Suicidal ideation assessment

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Assignment: Suicidal ideation assessment

Assignment: Suicidal ideation assessment


I am sure that there is more but I am trying to get a head start on this

Recommendations for the Comprehensive Examination

My first recommendation is to get started now on the test. You can actually start writing your answers today.

Review the PowerPoint presentation and look at the questions as well as the grading rubric. Also, there is a reading list and you should start assembling your resources.

Although you do not know the vignette and it changes with each administration of the test, you can still start to formulate and write your answers. The questions are linked to the five learning objectives for the MA in Forensic Psychology program (subheadings below).

Psychological Theory and Practice

For example, the first question asks how you would conduct a clinical assessment.

A. What assessment would you conduct to enhance your understanding of the client(s) problems and how would they direct your diagnostic formation? In addition, what formal assessment procedures (either conducted by you or by someone you would refer to) would enhance your understanding of the problems and direct your treatment planning? Why?

With only a few minor things, most initial clinical assessments follow a uniform pattern. You will want to include the use of collateral sources, a clinical interview (structured, semi-structured or unstructured), a MSE and select psychological assessments. You will need to address substance use issues as well as suicidal ideation. Along with these issues mentioned, you may want to consider additional assessments (neurological, intellectual, vocational, etc.) based on the specifics of the vignette. But, you can start on this question now.

• Identify collateral sources

• Discuss type of interview

• Discuss use of MSE, substance use and suicidal ideation assessment

• Discuss and provide rationale for psychological testing

• Discuss any relevant referrals and the referral question

• Attend to any cultural issues related to assessment

The second question asks for a DSM-5 diagnosis along with a discussion of differential diagnosis.

B. Provide your diagnostic impressions (based on the DSM-5) for this individual. In narrative form, please describe how the individual meets the diagnostic criteria for the disorder(s) chosen in addition to the differential diagnostic thought process that you used to reach your hypotheses. Be sure to include any additional (missing) information that is needed to either rule out or confirm your differential diagnoses.

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