Assignment: Survivors of Sexual Abuse

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Assignment: Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Assignment: Survivors of Sexual Abuse

  1. What speci c intervention strategies (skills, knowledge,etc.) did you use to address this client situation?

    I used re ective listening and reframing to assist Brenna in setting goals and determining her unmet needs. I used knowl- edge of local systems and social service agencies to provide referrals and to secure needed services.

  2. Which theory or theories did you use to guide your practice?I utilized systems theory.
  3. What were the identi ed strengths of the client(s)?Brenna’s strengths were her resiliency and self-suf ciency. Brenna viewed her desire to provide a better future for her child as a strong motivating factor for changing her life.
  4. What were the identi ed challenges faced by the client(s)?Brenna lacked a familial support system and network of friends, and she was socially isolated. Upon entry to the shelter, she lacked medical care, employment, income, and housing. Brenna also strug- gled with dif culty reading and writing. Brenna had experienced trauma and violence in her past and would be raising her child alone.
  5. What were the agreed-upon goals to be met to address the concern?Brenna and I agreed to secure medical care, a housing plan, and a source of income. Brenna also set goals to improve her mental health.





  1. What local, state, or federal policies could (or did) affect this situation?
    State policies regarding photo ID affected Brenna’s ability to apply for various assistance programs through Social Services. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) policies will also affect her ability to obtain nancial assistance after giving birth. Paternity is required on forms for TANF, and she may need to explore domestic violence waivers when completing TANF applications.
  2. How would you advocate for social change to positively affect this case?
    I would advocate for improved assistance to be offered through Social Services. Brenna was often met with anger and frustra- tion at Social Services due to her dif culty reading and writing, so she had given up on trying to secure medical care and nan- cial assistance early in her pregnancy.
  3. Were there any legal or ethical issues present in the case? If so, what were they and how were they addressed?Brenna and I discussed future plans for applying for TANF and the impact the child’s paternity has on approval of the applica- tion. We discussed the parental rights of Cameron and identi- ed resources for legal assistance if needed in the future.
  4. Describe any additional personal re ections about this case.When working on a strict timeline, it is important to balance client empowerment with health and safety.

Human Behavior and the Social Environment

Working With Children and Adolescents:
The Case of Dalia
1. What speci c intervention strategies (skills, knowledge,

etc.) did you use to address this client situation?

This case required that active and re ective listening, reframing, and validation be employed as part of the assessment, engage- ment, and goal-setting process. In addition, working from the strengths-based perspective and meeting the client system



Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). . In Social work case studies: Foundation year. Retrieved from 
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