Assignment: The impact of taking Notes in class on quiz grades

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Assignment: The impact of taking Notes in class on quiz grades

Assignment-Psychology Outline

Topic-The impact of taking Notes in class on quiz grades

1. Introduction

· Any action possesses a reaction. In this case, taking notes in class influences positive grades if someone reads them.

a) Hypothesis

· Better grades originate from taking notes in class

· Poor grades come from ignoring the process of taking notes in class.

b) Operational definitions

· Scholars, results, notes, grades…

2. Literature Review

· Many scholars have developed significant knowledge on the importance of reading.

· Reading and taking notes boosts memories

· It assists in creating positive results as one gets acquainted with the needed knowledge to undertake a quiz.

3. Method of Study

a) Variables

· They comprise of independent and dependent variables.

· Dependent-better quiz grades

· Independent-taking notes

b) Participation

· Random Sampling will act as the method to select groups.

c) Procedure

· The data will be measured through interviews and questionnaires.

· It will depend on the answers provided to the research.

d) Experiment Bias

· More data sources employed for verification

· Checking on alternative sources

· Acquiring assistance from peers

a) Informed Consent

· Acquired from the aspect of confidentiality and respecting data provided for the study.

4. Results

b) Possible Results

· They comprise of one having better results through taking notes and reading them.

· One who does not read notes taken in class has the same failing fate like the one who has not taken notes in class.

5. Discussion

· Predicted outcome means the expected nature of data acquired for the study

c) Possible Modifications

· The study should focus on ensuring that it widens its research past the classroom environment.

· Notes should be taken across the board.

d) Potential Confounds

· The internal and external validity of the study is strong. This is because the results created by the hypothesis and the method are strong.

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