Assignment: The Nursing Profession

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Assignment: The Nursing Profession

Assignment: The Nursing Profession

Describe how the nursing profession is viewed by the general public.   Discuss factors that influence the public’s perception of nursing?   Describe ways to educate the general public on the professional   nurse’s role and scope of nursing within a changing health care system

Examples of applicable outcomes expected of the graduate from a baccalaureate program

Essential I: Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice

1.1 Integrate theories and concepts from liberal education into nursing practice (p. 12).

1.2 Synthesize theories and concepts from liberal education to build an understanding of the human experience (p. 12).

Reproduced from American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate

education for professional nursing practice. Retrieved from

General Adaptation Syndrome Hans Selye introduced the notion of a general adaptation syndrome in 1950 (Selye, 1950). In 1974, Selye defined stress as the nonspecific response of the body to any demand for change. General adaptation syndrome is based on physiologic and psychobiologic responses to stress. According to Selye, a stressor results in a three- stage response that includes alarm, resistance, and exhaustion, also known as coping with stress. The goals of coping with stress are adaptation and homeostasis (Selye, 1950, 1974).

Nursing is both an art and science, requiring both heart and head. 
profound respect for human dignity and an intuition for patient’s needs are at its core. 
This is backed up by the mind, which provides rigorous fundamental learning. 
Because the nursing profession encompasses such wide range of specialties and sophisticated skills, each nurse will have unique strengths, passions, and expertise.


Nursing, on the other hand, has common ethos: nurses don’t merely look at test results when evaluating patient. 
Nurses employ their judgment to integrate objective data with subjective experience of patient’s biological, physical, and behavioral needs, as demonstrated by the nursing process (see below). 
This ensures that every patient, regardless of who they are or where they are, receives the finest possible care, whether they are in city hospital or community health center; state jail or summer camp.


What do nurses actually do?


There is no such thing as standard answer in sector as diverse as nursing. 
Making acute treatment decisions to providing inoculations in schools are all examples of responsibilities. 
The ability and drive required to be nurse is the common denominator in all roles. 
Nurses are best positioned to take an all-encompassing picture of patient’s wellbeing due to long-term monitoring of their behavior and knowledge-based skills.


What are the different categories of nurses?


Nurses go through rigorous program of lengthy education and study before working directly with patients, families, and communities, applying the nursing process’ essential ideals. 
Nursing roles in the United States are currently classified into three groups based on the specific responsibilities they do.


Licensed Practical Nurses


In the United States, registered nurses (RNs) are the backbone of health-care delivery. 
RNs provide crucial health care to the public in any location where it is required.


Principal Responsibilities


Before making important decisions, have physical exam and medical history.


Health promotion, counseling, and education are provided.


Medications and other individualized therapies should be administered.


Collaborate with diverse group of health-care professionals to coordinate care.


Advanced Techniques 
Licensed Practical Nurses


Advanced Techniques 
In addition to the initial nursing education and licensing requirements for all RNs, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) have at least Master’s degree. 
An APRN’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, providing the public with essential primary and preventative health care. 
APRNs treat and diagnose illnesses, provide health advice to the public, manage chronic disease, and participate in ongoing education to stay on top of technical, methodological, and other advancements in the profession.


Practice Specialist Roles for APRNs


Nurse Practitioners diagnose and treat minor illnesses and injuries by prescribing medication.


Gynecological and low-risk obstetrical care is provided by Certified Nurse-Midwives.


Clinical Nurse Specialists work with people who have variety of physical and mental health issues.


More than 65 percent of all anesthetics are administered by certified registered nurse anesthetists.


Practical Nurses (LPNs)


LPNs, also known as Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs), are members of the core health-care team who operate under the direction of an RN, APRN, or MD. 
They ensure patients’ well-being throughout the health-care journey by delivering basic and routine treatment.


Principal Responsibilities


Examine your vital signs for signals that your health is failing or improving.


Change bandages and wound dressings, as well as other basic nursing tasks.


Ascertain that patients are comfortable, fed, and hydrated.


In some situations, you may be able to administer drugs.


What exactly is the nursing procedure?


No matter what field or specialty they work in, all nurses follow the same nursing process: scientific technique that follows five easy steps to provide the best possible patient care.


Nurses conduct in-depth assessments of patients’ physiological, economic, social, and lifestyle factors.


The nurse draws diagnosis after thorough evaluation of both physical symptoms and patient behavior.


Outcomes Planning – The nurse applies their knowledge to develop realistic recovery goals for the patient. 
Following that, these goals are regularly monitored.


Nurses ensure continuity of care for the patient by precisely implementing the treatment plan while thoroughly documenting their development.


Evaluation — The nurse fine-tunes the care plan by attentively examining its effectiveness and evaluating patient reaction in order to achieve the best possible patient outcomes.
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