Assignment: the scientific community

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Assignment: the scientific community

Assignment: the scientific community

10 What three groups must be taken into account in the consideration of the ethics of a research project?
a society
b clinical practitioners
c the scientific community
d research participants
11 In Milgram’s famous study, who was the confederate?
a the person being shocked
b the experimenter
c the person doing the shocking
d none of the above
12 Which of the following occurred in the infamous Tuskegee syphilis study?
a Research participants were told they had syphilis even though they did not to see how they would react.
b Research participants were denied treatment for their syphilis.
c Research participants were injected with syphilis bacteria.
d Research participants were give experimental treatments for syphilis.
13 Research on the effectiveness of normal educational activities would generally be categorized as which of the following?
a exempt
b minimal risk
c at risk
d none of the above
14 Measuring characteristics of potential participants to identify those who may be at risk of harm in the study is called _____.
a debriefing
b prescreening
c informed consent
d risk reduction


15 The difference between phenomena and theories is essentially the same as the difference between which of the following?
a observations and models
b correlational studies and experiments
c significant and nonsignificant results
d models and hypotheses
16 How does a framework differ from a theory?
a A framework is usually more specific than a theory.
b A framework is usually more general than a theory.
c A framework cannot be tested but a theory can.
d A framework can be tested but a theory cannot.
17 For every _____ there are many plausible _____.
a fact; phenomena
b theory; researchers
c phenomenon; theories
d researcher; variables
18 As a general rule, every phenomenon has which of the following?
a no real explanation
b one clear explanation
c many plausible explanations
d one discoverer
19 Theories in evolutionary psychology tend to take which approach?
a functional
b mechanistic
c typological
d stage
20 A theory that explains a behavior primarily in terms of why it happens is which of the following?
a a mechanistic theory
b a typology
c a functional theory
d a hypothesis
21 The general approach that scientists use to create and test theories is called which of the following?
a the functional-mechanistic method
b the theory-model-phenomenon approach
c the quasi-logical hypothesis
d the hypothetico-deductive method

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