Assignment: Three Key Sources Stress

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Assignment: Three Key Sources Stress

Assignment: Three Key Sources Stress


What are three key sources of work stress? What would be an effective way to manage each of these sources of work stress?

Before completing the recognition task, participants were instructed regarding the difference between remem- bering and knowing using an adapted form of Gardiner and Java’s (1990) instructions (see Appendix A). The experi- menter asked each participant to explain what it means to remember and the meanings of remembering and knowing were discussed until the distinction was clear.

Finally, participants completed the recognition task, wherein they viewed a randomized mixture of the 90 pre- viously presented words and 90 new words. During the recognition task, participants were asked if each word was previously presented (‘‘old”) or not presented before (‘‘new”). After an old response, participants were asked to report the basis for their recognition, giving either a remember or know response. All responses were self- paced. Participants had the option of contacting the exper- imenter later if they wanted to know what score they achieved.

Work-related stress is a growing problem around the world that affects not only the health and well-being of employees, but also the productivity of organisations. Work-related stress arises where work demands of various types and combinations exceed the person’s capacity and capability to cope. Work-related stress is the second most common compensated illness/injury in Australia, after musculoskeletal disorders.

Work-related stress can be caused by various events. For example, a person might feel under pressure if the demands of their job (such as hours or responsibilities) are greater than they can comfortably manage. Other sources of work-related stress include conflict with co-workers or bosses, constant change, and threats to job security, such as potential redundancy.

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