Assignment: Writing In Psychology
Assignment: Writing In Psychology
Assignment: Writing In Psychology
NO PLAGERISM, DO NOT TURN IN PAPERS USED ONLINE OR SOLD TO SOMEONE ELSE. OUR instructor thoroughly checks them through a system and through sources cited!!!
Instructor Instructions: FOLLOW DETAILS EXACTLY!!
This writing assignment falls under the category of literature reviews. I have attached an example of how they are written. Yours will not have to be this long, but this is WHAT I HAVE IN MIND. Follow instructions carefully!
Write a paper from five pages in length on the subject of “dealing with the effects of texting on driving”.
You should synthesize (meaning combine elements of several sources—to help you make a point. Synthesizing is a matter of pulling various sources together into harmony. It is the ability to combine clearly and coherently the ideas of more than one source with your own) the findings of at least four psychology journal articles. One source of these articles is ProQuest Psychology journals data base found on the library database area. I have included the link below for this article to use as ONE of the FOUR REQUIRED!! This is part of the instructor’s REQUIREMENTS!!
You must cite sources inside the paper in CORRECT APA FORMAT!! Also, INCLUDE the sources and URL’s on the cite sources page!
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