Assignment: ystemic and environmental factors

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Assignment: ystemic and environmental factors

Assignment: ystemic and environmental factors


Assignment: ystemic and environmental factors that affect human development, functioning, and behavior

Grandparenting can be highly rewarding. Many grandparents, though, unexpectedly become guardians and raise small children. How might this responsibility affect their normal course of adult development? What components might require transitions? How would a professional counselor encourage these older guardians in their new roles?

This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standard: 2.F.3.f. Systemic and environmental factors that affect human development, functioning, and behavior.

Using the attached DSM-5, write a 12-page paper about the 3 different types of dissociative disorders.

1. Outline of paper attached

2. Instructions attached

3. DSM-5 attached

4. Annotated Bibliography and Abstract attached


A. The prevalence of dissociative disorders in the general population is as high as 18% (Fine, 2012, p. 334).

B. There are three fundamental dissociative ways of responding to a traumatic experience: detach from it (depersonalization/derealization), forget it (amnesia), or separate the memory of the experience from one’s present identity (dissociative flashback, DID) (Spiegel, Lewis-Fernández, Lanius, Vermetten, Simeon, & Friedman, 2013, p. 307). Comment by Dr. Dumont: For six or more authors, cite the primary author followed by ‘et al.’ for the first and all following mentions of the work (Chapter 6, 6.12, p. 175).


A. Dissociative Identity Disorder

– Dissociative experiences include amnesia, identity disturbance, age regression, difficulty with concentration, and trance states (APA, 2013, p. 292).

1. Formerally known as Multiple Personality Disorder

2. Characteristics from DSM-5

i. The existence of two or more identities Comment by Dr. Dumont: These should be lower-case letters

ii. Ongoing gaps in memory

iii. Significant distress in different areas of functioning

B. Dissociative Amnesia

1. Characteristics from DSM-5

i. Amnesia involves a deficit in functioning episodic memory such that information that was presumably encoded cannot be retrieved under normal circumstances (APA, 2013, p. 297). Comment by Dr. Dumont: These should be lower-case letters

ii. Not being able to remember information about oneself

iii. Dissociation Fugue

C. Depersonalization/Derealization

1. Characteristics from DSM-5

i. Depersonalization is significant recurring experiencing detachment from one’s mind, self, or body Comment by Dr. Dumont: These should be lower-case letters

ii. Derealization disorder is detachment from one’s environment

iii. Depersonalization and derealization provide an immediate means of modulating the acute perceptual impact of a traumatic experience, but if they persist, then over time they can become disturbing persistent or recurrent symptoms that hamper processing of past and present experiences (APA, 2013, p.303) .

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