Assignment:Weekly Health Informatics

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Assignment:Weekly Health Informatics

Assignment:Weekly Health Informatics

NURS 675LA-B Weekly Health Informatics Practicum Activity Summary/Reflection Log

Weekly practicum activity summaries and reflections to be submitted for review are to be typed, grammatically correct, and error free.

Weekly practicum activity summaries should include:

1. Stated weekly informatics focus and learning objectives.

2. Summary of planned or completed informatics activities.

3. Discussion of technology, processes, data analysis, workflow, gaps, evidence-based practice, and other informatics role activities completed during the week.

4. Reflection on your own learning and implications for future informatics role and/or implications on health care delivery and outcomes.

Students will receive feedback from faculty regarding their weekly personal learning objectives, activities, and reflections.


Directions:Submitathree- to five-pagesummary ofeachweek’s activitiesusingthetemplatebelow.Ifaninterviewisconducted,alsoattachthelist ofinterviewquestionsused.


Week#_ Focus:

1. Mypersonallearningobjectivesthisweek(list):




2. Summaryof planned/completedactivities:

3. Discussion of technology, processes, data analysis, workflow, gaps, evidence-based practice, and other informatics role activities completed during the week: (IncludetwoormorecitationsfromrelevantliteratureusingAPA6thed.format.)

4. Reflection on your own learning and implications for future informatics role and/or implications on health care delivery and outcomes:


An informatician conducts data assessments of public health information. They are responsible for organizing, synthesizing, and interpreting data and transforming it into pertinent information that may be used to identify implications for public health program planning and development.

In this assignment, you will continue to use your pre-intervention asthma surveillance data set from the CDC in the Excel spreadsheet to analyze your database from a summary perspective. You will calculate various statistical means of the asthma data in your Excel spreadsheet using Pivot Table reports. You will then answer the following questions in a 3–4-page paper, and embed your pivot tables in your report to explain the summary results.

What statistical mean results do your Pivot Tables demonstrate about this grade school population of students?

Data Means Statistical Questions

  • What was the most frequent number of missed days?
  • What is the mean (average) number of missed days because of asthmatic conditions?
  • Which school had the highest average of missed days? 
  • Was the school with the highest average of missed days for males the same as the school with the highest average of missed days for females?
  • Is the average number of missed days higher among those who answered yes to asthma than the overall average?
  • What is the average age of the student population?

In a summary, explain how an informatician can use an outcome measurement of missed school days to monitor and evaluate population health; in this situation, asthma cases in elementary school children. Refer to the following article by Moonie, Sterling, Figgs, and Castro (2006):

Moonie, S. A., Sterling, D. A., Figgs, L., & Castro, M. (2006). Asthma status and severity affects missed school days. The Journal of School Health, 76(1), 18–24. Retrieved from

Submission Details:

  • Give reasons and examples in support of your responses. Cite all sources using APA format.
  • Submit a 3–4-page report in a Microsoft Word document to the Submissions Area  by the due date assigned.
  • Name your document SU_PHE6203_W3_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.



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