Austin Community College Philosophy Body Swapping Discussion Board

Austin Community College Philosophy Body Swapping Discussion Board

Philosophy Body Swapping


Answer EITHER Q1.1 or Q1.2. Then answer Q2.

Q1.1. In the Prince and the  Cobbler thought experiment, John Locke invites us to imagine that,  overnight, a prince has all of his memories transferred to a cobbler’s  body and the cobbler has all of his memories transferred to the prince’s  body. When the cobbler-body wakes up, the consciousness ‘inside’ it  thinks he’s a prince. When the prince-body wakes up, the consciousness  inside it thinks he’s a cobbler.

Question: Have the prince and the cobbler swapped bodies? Is body swapping possible? Justify your answer.

  • First, state your thesis and its supporting argument.
  • Then, consider a smart objection to your argument.
  • Finally, Respond to your critic’s objection to your argument.

300-500 words

Q1.2. Suppose this situation were  to arise. The cobbler’s body in Locke’s thought experiment says he is  actually the prince and wants to claim his wealth. But the prince’s body  also says he is actually the prince and demands to retain his  princedom. The issue has gone to the courts. You’ve been called in to  arbitrate the dispute.

Question: To whom do you award the princedom, the prince’s body or the cobbler’s? Justify your answer.

  • First, state your thesis and its supporting argument.
  • Then, consider a smart response to either your argument or position.
  • Finally, defend your argument or position from the critic’s opposition.

300-500 words

Q2. Critically respond to a peer’s post. 100-150 words

Their are many types of monarchy but for this question I think it would

ultimately come down to this, “who is more fit to rule?” I believe that

by answering this question than we can properly determine who has the

right to rule. Whoever is more fit to rule should have the throne. A

test about the various economic factors, political systems, a morality

test, and in general just things you need to know when ruling the

kingdom would be administered. I believe that whoever answers most of

the questions right should be who the princedom is awarded too. Their

are four different possibilities that can arise when this happens, and

let’s examine all four. The first option is the prince’s body was

truthful about being the prince, and succeeded in the test. This would

likely be the best option, the prince is in his regular body and no

changes have to be made. The second option is the cobbler’s body was

truthful about being the prince, and succeeded in the test. We have the

proper prince and he has succeeded in taking the test, and in that case

the cobbler should rule. The third option was the prince’s body was

lying, and succeeded in the test, and the fourth option was the

cobbler’s body was lying, and succeeded in the test. Let me ask this

then, shouldn’t the cobbler who is either in the prince’s or his own

body rule? If he can succeed at this test over the prince, than he

should be the one fit to rule. If this cobbler has more knowledge of the

advanced political systems and economical systems of the kingdom, than

wouldn’t he be more fit to rule?

Some might argue that even if

the cobbler is fit to rule, than he still should not be the ruler, since

he lied to get in his position. Even so he was able to answer the

morality test, so one would think he at least has good morals. If he

lied his way pass that than a psychological test should be done as well.

If the person proves to be a good ruler and good in mortality, than

regardless that person should be ruling. Even if the prince should have

the throne, than whoever or whatever made them swap bodies must of done

it for a reason, and if it did not, than it’s still worth noting it

happened. Even if this happened by pure chance, if one is more fit to

rule than the other, than that person should take the place of the

prince, since they are more competent to rule the kingdom.

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